冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第859期:第四十章 提利昂(9)(在线收听

   I suppose you will be wanting some new men. “所以你需要新手下?”

  Don't trouble yourself, Father, I've acquired a few of my own. “父亲大人,这就不用劳烦您了,我自己找了几个。”
  He tried a swallow of the ale. 他试着咽下麦酒,
  It was brown and yeasty, so thick you could almost chew it. 酒是褐色,充满发酵的味道,非常浓,浓到几乎能咀嚼,
  Very fine, in truth. A pity his father had hanged the innkeep. 不过的确香醇之极,真可惜父亲把老板娘给吊死了。
  "How is your war going?" “您的战事进展如何?”
  His uncle answered. "Well enough, for the nonce. 作答的是叔叔,“到目前为止,还算顺利。
  Sir Edmure had scattered small troops of men along his borders to stop our raiding, 艾德慕爵士将人马分散为小队,派到领土边界阻止我方突袭,
  and your lord father and I were able to destroy most of them piecemeal before they could regroup." 你父亲大人和我在他们会合之前,就将其大部各个击破。”
  Your brother has been covering himself with glory, his father said. “你哥哥打的胜仗则是一场接一场。”父亲说,
  "He smashed the Lords Vance and Piper at the Golden Tooth, and met the massed power of the Tullys under the walls of Riverrun. “他先在金牙城外击溃凡斯伯爵和派柏伯爵的军队,随后在奔流城下与徒利家的主力部队进行决战。
  The lords of the Trident have been put to rout. 那一仗,三河诸侯被打得落花流水,
  Sir Edmure Tully was taken captive, with many of his knights and bannermen. 艾德慕·徒利爵士和手下许多封臣骑士一同被俘。
  Lord Blackwood led a few survivors back to Riverrun, where Jaime has them under siege. 布莱伍德伯爵集结少数残兵逃回奔流城,闭门死守,詹姆正加紧围城。
  The rest fled to their own strongholds." 其他诸侯大都作鸟兽散,各自逃回家去了。”
  Your father and I have been marching on each in turn, Sir Kevan said. “而你父亲和我正一个一个消灭他们。”凯冯爵士说,
  "With Lord Blackwood gone, Raventree fell at once, and Lady Whent yielded Harrenhal for want of men to defend it. “缺了布莱伍德伯爵坐镇,鸦树城立即陷落,河安伯爵夫人由于缺乏人手,也献出了赫伦堡。
  Sir Gregor burnt out the Pipers and the Brackens... " 格雷果爵士则把派柏家和布雷肯家的领地烧得一干二净……”