冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第860期:第四十章 提利昂(10)(在线收听

   Leaving you unopposed? Tyrion said. “所以没人挡得住你们啰?”提利昂说。

  Not wholly, Sir Kevan said. “也不尽然,”凯冯爵士道,
  "The Mallisters still hold Seagard and Walder Frey is marshaling his levies at the Twins." “梅利斯特家依旧保有海疆城,孪河城的瓦德·佛雷也正在召集兵马。”
  No matter, Lord Tywin said. “不碍事,”泰温公爵说,
  "Frey only takes the field when the scent of victory is in the air, and all he smells now is ruin. “除非嗅到胜利的气息,否则佛雷家不会出兵,而眼下空中都是溃败的味道。
  And Jason Mallister lacks the strength to fight alone. 至于杰森·梅利斯特,他缺乏单独作战的兵力,
  Once Jaime takes Riverrun, they will both be quick enough to bend the knee. 一旦詹姆攻下奔流城,他们两家自会跟着臣服。
  Unless the Starks and the Arryns come forth to oppose us, this war is good as won." 史塔克家和艾林家若不出兵,这场仗已经赢了。”
  I would not fret overmuch about the Arryns if I were you, Tyrion said. “换作是我,不会太担心艾林家。”提利昂道,
  "The Starks are another matter. Lord Eddard..." “但史塔克家就不一样了,艾德大人——”
  ...is our hostage, his father said. “——是我们的人质。”父亲说,
  "He will lead no armies while he rots in a dungeon under the Red Keep." “人在红堡底下的地牢里发烂发臭,无法带兵打仗。”
  No, Sir Kevan agreed, "but his son has called the banners and sits at Moat Cailin with a strong host around him." “的确是没办法,”凯冯爵士同意,“但他儿子已经召集诸侯,目前正带着一支大军坐镇卡林湾。”
  No sword is strong until it's been tempered, Lord Tywin declared. “任何一把剑,惟有试过之后方才知其效果。”泰温公爵表示,
  "The Stark boy is a child. “史塔克家那小鬼还是个孩子,
  No doubt he likes the sound of warhorns well enough, and the sight of his banners fluttering in the wind, 想必很喜欢号角吹奏、旗帜飘扬的景象,
  but in the end it comes down to butcher's work. 可战争毕竟是屠杀之事,
  I doubt he has the stomach for it." 只怕他承受不了。”