冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第861期:第四十章 提利昂(11)(在线收听

   Things had gotten interesting while he'd been away, Tyrion reflected. 看来他缺席期间,局势产生了有趣的发展,提利昂心想。

  "And what is our fearless monarch doing whilst all this ‘butcher's work' is being done?" he wondered. “当外面净在干些‘屠杀之事’的时候,咱们骁勇善战的国王陛下又在做什么呢?”他问,
  "How has my lovely and persuasive sister gotten Robert to agree to the imprisonment of his dear friend Ned?" “我倒很想知道,我那能言善道的漂亮姐姐,究竟是怎么说服劳勃,同意囚禁他亲爱的伙伴奈德?”
  Robert Baratheon is dead, his father told him. “劳勃·拜拉席恩已经死了。”父亲告诉他。
  "Your nephew reigns in King's Landing." “如今在君临执政的是你外甥。”
  That did take Tyrion aback. 这倒真令提利昂大吃一惊。
  "My sister, you mean." He took another gulp of ale. “你的意思是我姐姐执政?”他又灌了一口酒。
  The realm would be a much different place with Cersei ruling in place of her husband. 眼下瑟曦的老公死了,换她掌权,王国局势必将大为动荡。
  If you have a mind to make yourself of use, I will give you a command, his father said. “如果你有意帮忙,我倒有个任务可以交给你。”父亲说,
  "Marq Piper and Karyl Vance are loose in our rear, raiding our lands across the Red Fork." “马柯·派柏和卡列尔·凡斯在我们后方兴风作浪,袭击我红叉河对岸的领土。”
  Tyrion made a tsking sound. 提利昂啧了一声。
  "The gall of them, fighting back. “不过就是几只寄生虫捣蛋,
  Ordinarily I'd be glad to punish such rudeness, Father, but the truth is, I have pressing business elsewhere." 若是平常,我会很乐意去给这些没礼貌的家伙一点颜色瞧瞧,可是父亲大人,我还可以派上别的用场。”
  Do you? Lord Tywin did not seem awed. “是吗?”父亲看来不为所动。
  "We also have a pair of Ned Stark's afterthoughts making a nuisance of themselves by harassing my foraging parties. “另外还有两个奈德·史塔克的余孽,专门骚扰我们的征粮部队。
  Beric Dondarrion, some young lordling with delusions of valor.  一个是想逞英雄的贵族少爷贝里·唐德利恩,