冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第862期:第四十章 提利昂(12)(在线收听

   He has that fat jape of a priest with him, the one who likes to set his sword on fire. 还有他带在身边的那个痴肥僧侣,最爱让剑喷火的那位。

  Do you think you might be able to deal with them as you scamper off? 你能发挥你逃跑的本事,去对付他们么?
  Without making too much a botch of it?" 当然,不能给我捅出更大的漏子。”
  Tyrion wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smiled. 提利昂用手背抹抹嘴,微笑道:
  "Father, it warms my heart to think that you might entrust me with... what, twenty men? Fifty? “父亲,知道您这么信任我真教人感动,嗯,您要给我……二十个人?五十个?
  Are you sure you can spare so many? 您确定拨得出这许多人手?
  Well, no matter. If I should come across Thoros and Lord Beric, I shall spank them both." 唉,没关系,假如我碰上索罗斯和贝里大人,一定好好揍他们一顿屁股。”
  He climbed down from his chair and waddled to the sideboard, where a wheel of veined white cheese sat surrounded by fruit. 他爬下椅子,摇摇摆摆地走向餐具柜,柜子上摆了一盘白乳酪,周围放着水果。
  "First, though, I have some promises of my own to keep," he said as he sliced off a wedge. “不过首先,我得实现我的诺言。”他边说边切下一块奶酪。
  "I shall require three thousand helms and as many hauberks, “我要三千顶头盔,三千套锁甲、
  plus swords, pikes, steel spearheads, maces, battleaxes, gauntlets, gorgets, greaves, breastplates, wagons to carry all this..." 剑、长枪、钢制矛头、钉头锤、战斧、铁手套、颈甲、护膝、胸甲,以及用来载运这些东西的马车——”
  The door behind him opened with a crash, so violently that Tyrion almost dropped his cheese. 身后的门轰然撞开,力道刚猛,提利昂差点松开手上的食物。
  Sir Kevan leapt up swearing as the captain of the guard went flying across the room to smash against the hearth. 凯冯爵士咒骂着跳起来,侍卫队长整个人飞过房间,撞上壁炉,