冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第863期:第四十章 提利昂(13)(在线收听

   As he tumbled down into the cold ashes, his lion helm askew,  滚进已经冷却的灰烬,狮盔歪在一边。

  Shagga snapped the man's sword in two over a knee thick as a tree trunk, threw down the pieces, and lumbered into the common room. 夏嘎跟着闯进来,啪的一声,用他粗如树干的膝盖将队长的佩剑折成两段。随后他丢下断剑,大摇大摆地走进大厅,
  He was preceded by his stench, riper than the cheese and overpowering in the closed space. 人还未到,全身有如烂乳酪的臭味先至,在密闭房间里显得格外呛人。
  "Little redcape," he snarled, "when next you bare steel on Shagga son of Dolf,  “红衣小鬼,”他咆哮道,“下次你要再敢在多夫之子夏嘎面前拔剑,
  I will chop off your manhood and roast it in the fire." 我就剁掉你的命根子,拿来用火烤。”
  What, no goats? Tyrion said, taking a bite of cheese. “怎么,找不到山羊?”提利昂边说边咬了口乳酪。
  The other clansmen followed Shagga into the common room, Bronn with them. 其他几个原住民跟随夏嘎走进大厅,波隆也在其中。
  The sellsword gave Tyrion a rueful shrug. 佣兵有些遗憾地朝提利昂耸耸肩。
  Who might you be? Lord Tywin asked, cool as snow. “你又是哪位?”泰温公爵问,口气冰冷如霜。
  They followed me home, Father, Tyrion explained. “父亲,他们跟着我一道回家。”提利昂解释,
  "May I keep them? They don't eat much." “我可以把他们留下来吗?他们吃不了多少的。”
  No one was smiling. "By what right do you savages intrude on our councils?" demanded Sir Kevan. 无人发笑。“你们这帮野蛮人凭什么打断我们的会议?”凯冯爵士质问。
  Savages, lowlander? Conn might have been handsome if you washed him. “平地人,你说我们是野蛮人?”若你帮他洗个澡,康恩其实还算得上英俊。
  "We are free men, and free men by rights sit on all war councils." “我们乃是自由人,自由人天生有权参加所有的作战会议。”
  Which one is the lion lord? Chella asked. “你们哪一个是狮子酋长?”齐拉问。
  They are both old men, announced Timett son of Timett, who had yet to see his twentieth year. “他们两个都是老头子。”未满二十岁的提魅之子提魅宣布。