冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第864期:第四十章 提利昂(14)(在线收听

   Sir Kevan's hand went to his sword hilt, but his brother placed two fingers on his wrist and held him fast. 凯冯爵士伸手拔剑,但他哥哥伸出两根手指,按在他的手腕上,表示制止。

  Lord Tywin seemed unperturbed. 泰温公爵不动声色。
  "Tyrion, have you forgotten your courtesies? “提利昂,你的礼貌上哪儿去了?
  Kindly acquaint us with our... honored guests." 还不快帮我们介绍这几位……贵客。”
  Tyrion licked his fingers. 提利昂舔舔手指。
  "With pleasure," he said. "The fair maid is Chella daughter of Cheyk of the Black Ears." “乐意之至,”他说,“这位美少女是黑耳部的齐克之女齐拉。”
  I'm no maid, Chella protested. "My sons have taken fifty ears among them." “我不是什么少女,”齐拉抗议,“我的儿子们已经割了五十只耳朵了。”
  May they take fifty more. “愿他们再多割五十只。”
  Tyrion waddled away from her. 提利昂摇摇摆摆地从她身边走开。
  "This is Conn son of Coratt. “这位是科拉特之子康恩,
  Shagga son of Dolf is the one who looks like Casterly Rock with hair. They are Stone Crows. 生得活像凯岩城堡,一身长毛的是多夫之子夏嘎,他们两个是石鸦部的。
  Here is Ulf son of Umar of the Moon Brothers, and here Timett son of Timett, a red hand of the Burned Men. 这位是月人部的乌玛尔之子乌尔夫。这位是灼人部的红手,提魅之子提魅。
  And this is Bronn, a sellsword of no particular allegiance. 这是佣兵波隆,并无特定效忠对象,
  He has already changed sides twice in the short time I've known him, you and he ought to get on famously, Father." 在我认识他的短短时间里,已经两次变节,父亲大人,他跟你应该很和得来。”
  To Bronn and the clansmen he said, "May I present my lord father,  然后他转向波隆和原住民,“容我为各位介绍家父,
  Tywin son of Tytos of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Shield of Lannisport, and once and future Hand of the King." 兰尼斯特家族的泰陀斯之子泰温、凯岩城公爵、西境守护、兰尼斯港之盾,以及永远的国王之手。”