冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第865期:第四十章 提利昂(15)(在线收听

   Lord Tywin rose, dignified and correct. 泰温公爵站起来,那威严和气势完全符合上述头衔。

  "Even in the west, we know the prowess of the warrior clans of the Mountains of the Moon. “即便远处西境,明月山脉各部落战士的英勇事迹我们也时有耳闻。
  What brings you down from your strongholds, my lords?" 诸位可敬的大人,什么风将您们从自家要塞吹到这儿来的呢?”
  Horses, said Shagga. A promise of silk and steel, said Timett son of Timett. “我们骑马。”夏嘎说。“他答应给我们衣服和武器。”提魅之子提魅说。
  Tyrion was about to tell his lord father how he proposed to reduce the Vale of Arryn to a smoking wasteland, 提利昂正打算将他那把艾林谷化为冒烟荒原的构想告诉父亲,
  but he was never given the chance. The door banged open again. 大门却又再度打开,便只得暂时作罢。
  The messenger gave Tyrion's clansmen a quick, queer look as he dropped to one knee before Lord Tywin. 使者用怪异的眼神飞快地瞥了提利昂那群原住民一眼,然后在泰温公爵面前单膝跪下。
  "My lord," he said, "Sir Addam bid me tell you that the Stark host is moving down the causeway." “启禀大人,”他说,“亚当爵士要我向您报告,史塔克军已开始沿堤道南下。”
  Lord Tywin Lannister did not smile. 泰温·兰尼斯特公爵没有笑,
  Lord Tywin never smiled, but Tyrion had learned to read his father's pleasure all the same, and it was there on his face. 泰温公爵从来不笑,但提利昂早已学会观察父亲的喜悦神情,此时此刻这样的神情明明白白地写在他脸上。
  "So the wolfling is leaving his den to play among the lions," “这么说来,小狼终于挪窝了,准备来跟狮子们玩玩了。”
  he said in a voice of quiet satisfaction. "Splendid.  他用略带满足的口气说,“好极了。
  Return to Sir Addam and tell him to fall back. 你回去吩咐亚当爵士,要他立刻撤退,
  He is not to engage the northerners until we arrive, but I want him to harass their flanks and draw them farther south." 在我军主力抵达之前,不准与北方人交战,但我希望他派人骚扰对方侧翼,并尽量吸引他们南下。