冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第866期:第四十章 提利昂(16)(在线收听

   It will be as you command. The rider took his leave. “一切照您吩咐。”传令兵骑马离开。

  We are well situated here, Sir Kevan pointed out. “这里地势良好,”凯冯爵士指出,
  "Close to the ford and ringed by pits and spikes. “不仅接近浅滩,周围又布下了陷坑和尖桩。
  If they are coming south, I say let them come, and break themselves against us." 假如他们南下,我看不如以逸待劳,在此迎头痛击。”
  The boy may hang back or lose his courage when he sees our numbers, Lord Tywin replied. “等见识我方的兵力后,那小鬼有可能丧失勇气,直接撤退。”泰温公爵回答,
  "The sooner the Starks are broken, the sooner I shall be free to deal with Stannis Baratheon. “而我们越早击败史塔克军,就能越快摆脱牵制,抽出手来,全力对付史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩。
  Tell the drummers to beat assembly, and send word to Jaime that I am marching against Robb Stark." 吩咐鼓手敲集合令,并派人传话通知詹姆,我要即刻进军与罗柏·史塔克决战。”
  As you will, Sir Kevan said. “遵命。”凯冯爵士道。
  Tyrion watched with a grim fascination as his lord father turned next to the half-wild clansmen. 提利昂饶富兴味地看着父亲转身面向这群半野蛮的原住民。
  "It is said that the men of the mountain clans are warriors without fear." “据说高山部落的男子是勇猛无惧的战士。”
  It is said truly, Conn of the Stone Crows answered. “没错。”石鸦部的康恩回答。
  And the women, Chella added. “女人也一样,”齐拉补充。
  Ride with me against my enemies, and you shall have all my son promised you, and more, Lord Tywin told them. “与我一同出兵抗敌,我保证你们能得到我儿子承诺的一切,甚至更多。”泰温公爵告诉他们。
  Would you pay us with our own coin? Ulf son of Umar said. “我们怎么知道你会遵守约定,”乌玛尔之子乌尔夫说,
  "Why should we need the father's promise, when we have the son's?" “况且我们已经有了儿子的承诺,干嘛还需要父亲的?”
  I said nothing of need, Lord Tywin replied. "My words were courtesy, nothing more. “我没说你们‘需要’,”泰温公爵回答,“我那是客套话,没别的意思。