冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第867期:第四十章 提利昂(17)(在线收听

   You need not join us. 你们不需要和我们并肩作战,

  The men of the winterlands are made of iron and ice, and even my boldest knights fear to face them." 来自冬境北国的人乃是玄冰铸成,碰上他们,连我手下最勇敢的骑士也会害怕。”
  Oh, deftly done, Tyrion thought, smiling crookedly. 喔,这招漂亮,提利昂心想,脸上露出狡猾的微笑。
  The Burned Men fear nothing. Timett son of Timett will ride with the lions. “灼人部什么都不怕,提魅之子提魅将和狮子一起打仗。”
  Wherever the Burned Men go, the Stone Crows have been there first, Conn declared hotly. "We ride as well." “灼人部去过的地方,石鸦部都先去了。”康恩不甘示弱地表示,“我们也去。”
  Shagga son of Dolf will chop off their manhoods and feed them to the crows. “多夫之子夏嘎会剁掉他们的命根子,拿去喂乌鸦。”
  We will ride with you, lion lord, Chella daughter of Cheyk agreed, "but only if your halfman son goes with us. “狮子酋长,我们跟你一起去,”齐克之女齐拉同意。“但你的半人儿子也要跟我们在一起。
  He has bought his breath with promises. 他用种种承诺换得一条命,
  Until we hold the steel he has pledged us, his life is ours." 在我们拿到他答应的武器之前,他的命是我们的。”
  Lord Tywin turned his gold-flecked eyes on his son. 泰温转头,用那双金瞳眼睛看着儿子。
  Joy, Tyrion said with a resigned smile. “乐意之至。”提利昂听天由命地笑了笑。
  Sansa. The walls of the throne room had been stripped bare, the hunting tapestries that King Robert loved taken down and stacked in the corner in an untidy heap. 珊莎。王座厅里,劳勃国王生前最喜爱的挂毯织锦通通被扯了下来,杂乱无章地堆在角落,如今四壁萧然。
  Sir Mandon Moore went to take his place under the throne beside two of his fellows of the Kingsguard. 曼登·穆尔爵士前去守在王座底,与他另外两名御林铁卫弟兄一道站岗,