冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第870期:第四十一章 珊莎(3)(在线收听

   A herald's voice rang out. 司仪的声音响起:

  "All hail His Grace, Joffrey of the Houses Baratheon and Lannister, the First of his Name, “恭迎拜拉席恩家族与兰尼斯特家族的乔佛里一世陛下,
  King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. 安达尔人、洛伊拿人和先民的国王,七国统治者。
  All hail his lady mother, Cersei of House Lannister, Queen Regent, Light of the West, and Protector of the Realm." 恭迎陛下的母亲大人,西境之光,全境守护者,摄政太后,兰尼斯特家族的瑟曦陛下。”
  Sir Barristan Selmy, resplendent in white plate, led them in. 一身灿烂白甲的巴利斯坦·赛尔弥爵士带领他们走进来,
  Sir Arys Oakheart escorted the queen, while Sir Boros Blount walked beside Joffrey,  亚历斯·奥克赫特爵士护送太后,柏洛斯·布劳恩爵士则走在乔佛里旁边。
  so six of the Kingsguard were now in the hall, all the White Swords save Jaime Lannister alone. 眼下六名御林铁卫都在大厅,众白骑士齐聚一堂,只有詹姆·兰尼斯特缺席。
  Her prince, no, her king now! 她的白马王子——不对,是她的国王了!
  took the steps of the Iron Throne two at a time, while his mother was seated with the council. 三步并作两步地爬上铁王座的阶梯,他的母后则和重臣们坐在一起。
  Joff wore plush black velvets slashed with crimson, a shimmering cloth-of-gold cape with a high collar, 小乔身穿绣红线的黑天鹅绒外衣,肩披闪闪发光的高领金缕披风,
  and on his head a golden crown crusted with rubies and black diamonds. 头戴镶嵌红玉黑钻石的黄金宝冠。
  When Joffrey turned to look out over the hall, his eye caught Sansa's. 乔佛里转头环顾大厅,与珊莎四目相交,
  He smiled, seated himself, and spoke. 他面露微笑,缓缓坐下,然后开口道:
  "It is a king's duty to punish the disloyal and reward those who are true. “惩治叛徒,奖励忠臣,此乃国王职责所在。
  Grand Maester Pycelle, I command you to read my decrees." 派席尔大学士,我命你宣读我的判决。”
  Pycelle pushed himself to his feet. 派席尔站起来,
  He was clad in a magnificent robe of thick red velvet, with an ermine collar and shiny gold fastenings.  他衣着华丽,身穿厚重的红天鹅绒长袍,貂皮衣领,亮金饰带,衣袖低垂,上面满是镀金涡形装饰。