冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第872期:第四十一章 珊莎(5)(在线收听

   Lady Catelyn Stark. Robb Stark. Brandon Stark, Rickon Stark, Arya Stark. 凯特琳·史塔克夫人,罗柏·史塔克,布兰登·史塔克,瑞肯·史塔克,艾莉亚·史塔克。

  Sansa stifled a gasp. Arya. 珊莎差点没叫出声。艾莉亚?
  They wanted Arya to present herself and swear an oath... 他们竟然要艾莉亚上朝宣誓效忠……
  it must mean her sister had fled on the galley, she must be safe at Winterfell by now...  这么说来妹妹肯定已经乘船逃走,安全地回到临冬城了……
  Grand Maester Pycelle rolled up the list, tucked it up his left sleeve, and pulled another parchment from his right. 派席尔大学士卷起名单,塞进左手袖子,然后从右边袖子抽出另一张羊皮纸。
  He cleared his throat and resumed. 他清清喉咙,继续念道:
  "In the place of the traitor Eddard Stark, “为取代叛徒艾德·史塔克,
  it is the wish of His Grace that Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, take up the office of Hand of the King,  遵照国王陛下的意愿,由凯岩城公爵暨西境守护泰温·兰尼斯特接任国王之手一职,
  to speak with his voice, lead his armies against his enemies, and carry out his royal will. 以国王之名统理政事,率军讨平乱党,传达其意旨。
  So the king has decreed. The small council consents. 陛下有令,重臣赞同。”
  In the place of the traitor Stannis Baratheon, it is the wish of His Grace that his lady mother, the Queen Regent Cersei Lannister, “为取代叛徒史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩,遵照国王陛下的意愿,由摄政太后瑟曦·兰尼斯特接任其朝廷重臣一职,
  who has ever been his staunchest support, be seated upon his small council, that she may help him rule wisely and with justice. 以始终如一之可靠支持,协助其治国以睿智,判决以正义。
  So the king has decreed. The small council consents. 陛下有令,重臣赞同。”
  Sansa heard a soft murmuring from the lords around her, but it was quickly stilled. Pycelle continued. 珊莎听见四周的贵族窃窃私语,然而耳语声很快平息下来。派席尔继续念诵: