冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第874期:第四十一章 珊莎(7)(在线收听

   As Lord Slynt took his place, Grand Maester Pycelle resumed. 等史林特伯爵就位后,派席尔国师继续念:

  "Lastly, in these times of treason and turmoil, with our beloved Robert so lately dead, “最后,于此密谋四起、动乱不堪的危殆之际,吾人备受爱戴的劳勃国王新近驾崩,
  it is the view of the council that the life and safety of King Joffrey is of paramount importance... " He looked to the queen. 吾等重臣认为乔佛里国王之生命安危实乃首要之急……”他望向太后。
  Cersei stood. "Sir Barristan Selmy, stand forth." 瑟曦站起来。“巴利斯坦·赛尔弥爵士听命。”
  Sir Barristan had been standing at the foot of the Iron Throne, as still as any statue, but now he went to one knee and bowed his head. 巴利斯坦爵士原本站在铁王座底,有如雕像般纹丝不动,此刻他单膝跪下,低头道:
  "Your Grace, I am yours to command." “太后陛下,微臣听候您的差遣。”
  Rise, Sir Barristan, Cersei Lannister said. "You may remove your helm." “请起,巴利斯坦爵士。”瑟曦·兰尼斯特道,“您可以卸下头盔。”
  My lady? Standing, the old knight took off his high white helm, though he did not seem to understand why. “陛下?”老骑士起身,摘下他的高顶白盔,却有些不知所措。
  You have served the realm long and faithfully, good ser, and every man and woman in the Seven Kingdoms owes you thanks. “爵士先生,长久以来您为国效命,尽忠职守,七大王国中每位善男信女皆对您心怀感激。
  Yet now I fear your service is at an end. 然而,恐怕您的服务现在必须告一段落,
  It is the wish of king and council that you lay down your heavy burden. 国王和吾等重臣都希望您能卸下您的沉重负担。”
  My... burden? I fear I... I do not...  “我的……负担?恐怕我……我不……”
  The new-made lord, Janos Slynt, spoke up, his voice heavy and blunt. 这时新科贵族杰诺斯·史林特开了口,语气沉重,直截了当:
  "Her Grace is trying to tell you that you are relieved as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard." “太后陛下的意思是,您御林铁卫队长的职务已被解除了。”