冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第876期:第四十一章 珊莎(9)(在线收听

   Before I served your father, I helped shield King Aerys, and his father Jaehaerys before him... three kings... " 在我为您父王效命之前,我守护过伊里斯国王,以及他的父亲杰赫里斯……我曾为三个国王效力……”

  And all of them dead, Littlefinger pointed out. “结果他们通通都死了。”小指头指出。
  Your time is done, Cersei Lannister announced. “你的职务到此为止,”瑟曦·兰尼斯特宣布,
  "Joffrey requires men around him who are young and strong. “乔佛里身边需要年轻力壮的人。
  The council has determined that Sir Jaime Lannister will take your place as the Lord Commander of Sworn Brothers of the White Swords." 御前会议已经决定,由詹姆·兰尼斯特爵士接任你的职务,担任白骑士弟兄们的队长。”
  The Kingslayer, Sir Barristan said, his voice hard with contempt. “弑君者?”巴利斯坦爵士口气严厉,语带轻蔑。
  "The false knight who profaned his blade with the blood of the king he had sworn to defend." “就那个以他誓言守护的国王的鲜血来玷污自己宝剑的虚伪骑士吗?”
  Have a care for your words, ser, the queen warned. “爵士先生,请注意您的措辞。” 太后警告他,
  "You are speaking of our beloved brother, your king's own blood." “此人乃是我挚爱的弟弟,当今国王的亲舅。”
  Lord Varys spoke, gentler than the others. 这时,瓦里斯伯爵开口了,口气比其他人都要轻柔。
  "We are not unmindful of your service, good ser. “爵士先生,对于您过去的贡献,我们并非不知感恩。
  Lord Tywin Lannister has generously agreed to grant you a handsome tract of land north of Lannisport, 泰温·兰尼斯特大人已经慷慨地同意拨出兰尼斯港北部一大块土地作为您的封疆,
  beside the sea, with gold and men sufficient to build you a stout keep, and servants to see to your every need." 那里不但靠海,而且矿藏丰富,人力充足,足够修筑坚固堡垒,供应满足您一切需要的仆人。”
  Sir Barristan looked up sharply. 巴利斯坦爵士目光锐利地往上看去。”
  "A hall to die in, and men to bury me. “给我一个安享晚年的地方,以及为我送终的人,是吗?
  I thank you, my lords... but I spit upon your pity." 诸位大人,好意我心领了……但我唾弃你们的同情。
  He reached up and undid the clasps that held his cloak in place, 他伸手解开肩上的扣子,
  and the heavy white garment slithered from his shoulders to fall in a heap on the floor. 那件雪白披风随即落下,在地上堆成一团。