冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第878期:第四十一章 珊莎(11)(在线收听

   He took the long way out, his steps ringing loud against the floor and echoing off the bare stone walls. 他绕远路离开,脚步踩在地板上,声响宏亮,回音在光秃秃的石墙间回荡。

  Lords and ladies parted to let him pass. 贵族男女站开让他通过,
  Not until the pages had closed the great oak-and-bronze doors behind him did Sansa hear sounds again: 直等侍从关上了那两扇巨大的橡木青铜门,珊莎才又听见话音:
  soft voices, uneasy stirrings, the shuffle of papers from the council table. 有轻声细语,有不安地脚步,还有议事桌上纸张的挪动。
  "He called me boy," Joffrey said peevishly, sounding younger than his years. “他竟然叫我‘小鬼’,”乔佛里愤恨地说,听起来比他的实际年龄更显孩子气。
  "He talked about my uncle Stannis too." “他还说了我叔叔史坦尼斯的事。”
  Idle talk, said Varys the eunuch. "Without meaning... " “随口说说罢了,”太监瓦里斯道,“不是认真的……”
  He could be making plots with my uncles. “他搞不好和我两个叔叔串通谋反。
  I want him seized and questioned. 我要把他抓起来,好好审问。”
  No one moved. Joffrey raised his voice. "I said, I want him seized!" 无人动作。乔佛里提高声音,“我说了,我要把他抓起来!”
  Janos Slynt rose from the council table. 杰诺斯·史林特从议事桌边站起来。
  "My gold cloaks will see to it, Your Grace." “陛下,此事就交给我手下的金袍卫士去办。”
  Good, said King Joffrey. “很好。”乔佛里国王道。
  Lord Janos strode from the hall, 杰诺斯伯爵走出大厅,
  his ugly sons double-stepping to keep up as they lugged the great metal shield with the arms of House Slynt. 他的两个丑儿子急忙跟上,一边拖着刻了史林特家徽的金属巨盾。
  Your Grace, Littlefinger reminded the king. “陛下,”小指头提醒国王。
  "If we might resume, the seven are now six. “我们可以继续议程。原本的七铁卫如今只剩六人,
  We find ourselves in need of a new sword for your Kingsguard." 我们需要为御林铁卫再添一名生力军。”
  Joffrey smiled. "Tell them, Mother." 乔佛里面露微笑。“母亲,告诉他们吧。”
  The king and council have determined that no man in the Seven Kingdoms is more fit to guard and protect His Grace than his sworn shield, Sandor Clegane. “国王陛下和御前会议认为,放眼七大王国,无人能比宣誓守护陛下的贴身侍卫——桑铎·克里冈更适合担任此一职务。”