冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第879期:第四十一章 珊莎(12)(在线收听

   How do you like that, dog? King Joffrey asked. “好狗,你觉得怎么样啊?”乔佛里国王问。

  The Hound's scarred face was hard to read. 猎狗满是伤疤的脸瞧不出任何表情,
  He took a long moment to consider. 他思考了很长一段时间。
  "Why not? I have no lands nor wife to forsake, and who'd care if I did?" “有何不可?我无需抛弃封地或老婆,因为我根本就没有。就算我有,又有谁会在乎呢?”
  The burned side of his mouth twisted. 他被灼伤的半边嘴唇抽搐了一下。
  "But I warn you, I'll say no knight's vows." “但我警告你,我可不来骑士宣誓那一套。”
  The Sworn Brothers of the Kingsguard have always been knights, Sir Boros said firmly. “御林铁卫的弟兄向来由骑士担任。”柏洛斯爵士口气坚定地说。
  Until now, the Hound said in his deep rasp, and Sir Boros fell silent. “从今天起,不再是了。”猎狗用一贯的喑哑声音道,柏洛斯爵士便不再作声。
  When the king's herald moved forward, Sansa realized the moment was almost at hand. 当司仪向前走去时,珊莎明白时机就快到了。
  She smoothed down the cloth of her skirt nervously. 她紧张地整整裙子。
  She was dressed in mourning, as a sign of respect for the dead king, but she had taken special care to make herself beautiful. 她虽穿着丧服,以表示对死去国王的敬意,但还是特别打扮过。
  Her gown was the ivory silk that the queen had given her, the one Arya had ruined, 她的礼服是太后送她的象牙色丝衣,就是被艾莉亚弄脏的那件,
  but she'd had them dye it black and you couldn't see the stain at all. 但她将之染成黑色,已经看不出上面的污渍。
  She had fretted over her jewelry for hours and finally decided upon the elegant simplicity of a plain silver chain. 至于该配戴何种珠宝,她可是害怕地思索良久,最后才决定选择式样简单却不失优雅的银项链。
  The herald's voice boomed out. 司仪声音宏亮:
  "If any man in this hall has other matters to set before His Grace, let him speak now or go forth and hold his silence." “陛下倾听在场诸位的请愿,有事禀报,无事退朝。”
  Sansa quailed. Now, she told herself, I must do it now. Gods give me courage.  珊莎害怕得浑身发抖。就是现在,她告诉自己,我必须现在去做,愿天上诸神赐予我勇气。