冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第881期:第四十一章 珊莎(14)(在线收听

   The queen sighed. "Sansa, you disappoint me. 太后叹道:“珊莎,你太令我失望了。

  What did I tell you about traitor's blood?" 我是怎么跟你说叛国者的血统来着?”
  Your father has committed grave and terrible crimes, my lady, Grand Maester Pycelle intoned. “小姐,您的父亲可是犯下了滔天大罪啊。”派席尔大学士沉吟道。
  Ah, poor sad thing, sighed Varys. “唉,可怜的小东西。”瓦里斯也跟着叹气,
  "She is only a babe, my lords, she does not know what she asks." “诸位大人,她不过是个孩子,根本不知道自己要求的是什么。”
  Sansa had eyes only for Joffrey. 但珊莎只把目光放在乔佛里身上。
  He must listen to me, he must, she thought. 他一定要听我说完,一定要啊,她心想。
  The king shifted on his seat, 国王在宝座上动了动身子。
  "Let her speak," he commanded. "I want to hear what she says." “让她说吧,”他下令,“我要听听她的话。”
  Thank you, Your Grace. Sansa smiled, a shy secret smile, just for him. “感谢您,陛下。”珊莎露出微笑。那是个羞怯的、私密的、只给他看的微笑。
  He was listening. She knew he would. 他真的愿意听,她就知道他会。
  Treason is a noxious weed, Pycelle declared solemnly. “叛国大罪好似带毒的野草,”派席尔庄严地宣布,
  "It must be torn up, root and stem and seed, lest new traitors sprout from every roadside." “必须连根拔除、斩尽杀绝,否则叛徒便会四处蔓生。”
  Do you deny your father's crime? Lord Baelish asked. “令尊所犯之罪行,你可否认?”贝里席伯爵问。
  No, my lords. Sansa knew better than that. “诸位大人,我不否认。”珊莎有更好的办法。
  "I know he must be punished. “我很清楚他必须接受制裁。
  All I ask is mercy. 我要求的只是网开一面,放他一条生路。
  I know my lord father must regret what he did. 家父必定已对其所作所为懊悔不已,
  He was King Robert's friend and he loved him, you all know he loved him. 他是劳勃国王生前密友,他是真心敬爱国王的,相信在座各位都很明白。
  He never wanted to be Hand until the king asked him. 他从未有过成为御前首相的念头,直到国王开口。