冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第882期:第四十一章 珊莎(15)(在线收听

   They must have lied to him. Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or... or somebody, they must have lied, otherwise... " 他必定是被蓝礼大人、史坦尼斯大人或……或某些人蛊惑,否则不会……”

  King Joffrey leaned forward, hands grasping the arms of the throne. 乔佛里国王倾身向前,双手按紧王座扶手,
  Broken sword points fanned out between his fingers. 断剑自他指缝根根穿出,有如铁扇。
  "He said I wasn't the king. Why did he say that?" “他说我不是国王,他为什么要那样说?”
  His leg was broken, Sansa replied eagerly. “他有腿伤在身,”珊莎急切地应道,
  "It hurt ever so much, Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy, and they say that milk of the poppy fills your head with clouds. “疼痛异常,派席尔大学士给他服用了罂粟花奶,而罂粟花奶会让人神智不清,
  Otherwise he would never have said it." 否则他是绝不会这样说的。”
  Varys said, "A child's faith... such sweet innocence... and yet, they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes." 瓦里斯道:“这是孩子对父亲的信心所致……多么单纯而天真……可是呢,人们不是常说智慧往往来自孩童口中么?”
  Treason is treason, Pycelle replied at once. “但叛国就是叛国。”派席尔立刻回应。
  Joffrey rocked restlessly on the throne. "Mother?" 乔佛里不安地在王位上动来动去。“母亲,您的意思呢?”
  Cersei Lannister considered Sansa thoughtfully. 瑟曦·兰尼斯特满腹思量地审视珊莎。
  "If Lord Eddard were to confess his crime," she said at last, "we would know he had repented his folly." “倘若艾德大人愿意坦承罪行,”良久,她终于开口,“我们便可确知他已有悔悟之心。”
  Joffrey pushed himself to his feet. 乔佛里站了起来。
  Please, Sansa thought, please, please, be the king I know you are, good and kind and noble, please. 求求您,珊莎心想,求求您,求求您,您是我心中的国王,是那个仁慈高贵又好心肠的国王,求求您啊。
  "Do you have any more to say?" he asked her. “你还有什么要说的吗?”他问她。
  Only... that as you love me, you do me this kindness, my prince, Sansa said. “请您……请您看在您爱我的份上,成全我这个心愿吧,我的王子。”珊莎说。