冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第885期:第四十二章 艾德(2)(在线收听

   When he kept very still, his leg did not hurt so much, so he did his best to lie unmoving. 假如他安静不动,伤腿便不至于痛得太厉害,于是他尽可能地躺着不动。

  For how long he could not say. 究竟躺了多久,他说不准。
  There was no sun and no moon. 这里没有日升月落,
  He could not see to mark the walls. 什么也看不见,连在墙上做记号都不行。
  Ned closed his eyes and opened them; it made no difference. 睁眼还是闭眼,一切都无分别。
  He slept and woke and slept again. 他睡了又醒,醒了又睡,
  He did not know which was more painful, the waking or the sleeping. 不知睡着和醒来哪一个比较痛苦。
  When he slept, he dreamed: dark disturbing dreams of blood and broken promises. 睡着的时候会做梦,黑暗的、扰人的梦,充斥着血光以及不能遵守的约定;
  When he woke, there was nothing to do but think, and his waking thoughts were worse than nightmares. 醒来的时候,除了思考,无事可做,然而他心中所想却比噩梦还可怕。
  The thought of Cat was as painful as a bed of nettles. 想起凯特,有如躺在荨麻编成的床上那般苦痛。
  He wondered where she was, what she was doing. 他幻想着此时此刻她置身何处,正在做些什么,
  He wondered whether he would ever see her again. 却不知此生是否还能与她重逢。
  Hours turned to days, or so it seemed. 时间流逝,日子一天天过去,至少感觉起来是这样。
  He could feel a dull ache in his shattered leg, an itch beneath the plaster. 石膏下的断腿隐隐作痛,开始发痒。
  When he touched his thigh, the flesh was hot to his fingers. 他碰碰大腿,热得发烫。
  The only sound was his breathing. 这里惟一的声音,是他的呼吸。
  After a time, he began to talk aloud, just to hear a voice. 时间一久,他开始大声说话,只为了能听见声音。
  He made plans to keep himself sane, built castles of hope in the dark. 他拟订计划,决心保持神智清醒,在黑暗中筑起希望的城堡。
  Robert's brothers were out in the world, raising armies at Dragonstone and Storm's End. 劳勃的两位弟弟安然无恙,此刻正在龙石岛和风息堡整军待发。
  Alyn and Harwin would return to King's Landing with the rest of his household guard once they had dealt with Sir Gregor. 埃林和哈尔温一旦解决格雷果爵士,便将率领他其余的卫士返回君临。