冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第886期:第四十二章 艾德(3)(在线收听

 Catelyn would raise the north when the word reached her, and the lords of river and mountain and Vale would join her. 而凯特琳一旦接获消息,便会号召北方诸侯揭竿而起,而三河流域和艾林谷的贵族都会与她并肩作战。

He found himself thinking of Robert more and more. 他发现自己不断想起劳勃,一次又一次。
He saw the king as he had been in the flower of his youth, 他看到青春年少的国王,
tall and handsome, his great antlered helm on his head, his warhammer in hand, sitting his horse like a horned god. 高大英俊,头戴鹿盔,手持战锤,骑在马上宛如长角巨神。
He heard his laughter in the dark, saw his eyes, blue and clear as mountain lakes. 黑暗中他听见他的笑声,望着他那对碧蓝澄澈宛如山中湖泊的眼睛。
"Look at us, Ned," Robert said. “奈德,你看看我们,”劳勃说,
"Gods, how did we come to this? “诸神在上,我们怎会落到这步田地?
You here, and me killed by a pig. 你被关在这儿,我死在一头猪脚下。
We won a throne together... " 当初我们可是一起打下江山,赢得王位……”
I failed you, Robert, Ned thought. He could not say the words. 劳勃,我对不起你,奈德心想,但他实在说不出口,
I lied to you, hid the truth. I let them kill you. 我欺骗了你,隐瞒了真相,让他们害死了你。
The king heard him. "You stiff-necked fool," he muttered, "too proud to listen. 但国王还是听到了。“你这个硬脖子的蠢蛋,”他喃喃道,“心高气傲,就是不肯听话。
Can you eat pride, Stark? 史塔克,自尊心能拿来吃吗?
Will honor shield your children?" 荣誉感能保护你的孩子吗?”
Cracks ran down his face, fissures opening in the flesh, and he reached up and ripped the mask away. 他的脸一块块剥落,皮肤出现裂口,接着他伸手扯下面具。
It was not Robert at all; it was Littlefinger, grinning, mocking him. 原来那根本不是劳勃,而是嘿嘿直笑、嘲弄着他的小指头。
When he opened his mouth to speak, his lies turned to pale grey moths and took wing. 他张口想说话,但他的谎言变成灰白的蛾,拍拍翅膀飞走了。