冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第888期:第四十二章 艾德(5)(在线收听

   It was the year of false spring, and he was eighteen again, down from the Eyrie to the tourney at Harrenhal. 那一年是“错误的春天”,他又回到了十八岁,陪着琼恩和劳勃从鹰巢城下山,远赴赫伦堡参加比武大会。

  He could see the deep green of the grass, and smell the pollen on the wind. 他见到绿草长青,闻到风中花粉。
  Warm days and cool nights and the sweet taste of wine. 温暖的白昼,凉爽的夜晚,甜美的酒香。
  He remembered Brandon's laughter, and Robert's berserk valor in the melee, the way he laughed as he unhorsed men left and right. 他记得布兰登的笑,记得劳勃在团体比武中的狂暴威猛,记得他一边左劈右砍,将对手一个个击落马下,一边哈哈大笑的模样。
  He remembered Jaime Lannister, a golden youth in scaled white armor, 他也记得身穿白色鳞甲的金发少年詹姆·兰尼斯特,
  kneeling on the grass in front of the king's pavilion and making his vows to protect and defend King Aerys. 跪在国王帐前的草地上,宣誓守护伊里斯国王。
  Afterward, Sir Oswell Whent helped Jaime to his feet, 宣誓完毕之后,奥斯威尔·河安爵士扶詹姆起身,
  and the White Bull himself, Lord Commander Sir Gerold Hightower, fastened the snowy cloak of the Kingsguard about his shoulders. 铁卫队长“白牛”杰洛·海塔尔爵士亲自为他系上御林铁卫的雪白披风。
  All six White Swords were there to welcome their newest brother. 六位白骑士通通到场,欢迎他们新加入的弟兄。
  Yet when the jousting began, the day belonged to Rhaegar Targaryen. 比武会持续了十日,但在关键的马上长枪比武中,只有雷加·坦格利安抢尽了风头。
  The crown prince wore the armor he would die in: 当年王太子身上所穿的盔甲与他日后战死那天无异:
  gleaming black plate with the three-headed dragon of his House wrought in rubies on the breast. 闪闪发光的黑铠,胸前是红宝石镶成的三头龙,正是他的家徽。
  A plume of scarlet silk streamed behind him when he rode, and it seemed no lance could touch him. 他骑马奔驰,一条鲜红丝带在背后流动,没有长枪能碰他分毫。
  Brandon fell to him, and Bronze Yohn Royce, and even the splendid Sir Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. 布兰登被他刺落马下,青铜约恩·罗伊斯亦然,就连“拂晓神剑”亚瑟·戴恩爵士也不例外。