冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第891期:第四十二章 艾德(8)(在线收听

   Ned felt the coarse hair with his fingers. 奈德的手指感觉到它们的粗糙。

  Varys had transformed himself into a grizzled turnkey, reeking of sweat and sour wine. 瓦里斯把自己变成了大胡子狱卒,浑身上下散发着汗臭和劣酒的气味。
  "How did you... what sort of magician are you?" “你是怎么……你到底是个什么样的魔术师?”
  A thirsty one, Varys said. "Drink, my lord." “口很渴的魔术师。”瓦里斯道,“大人,快喝吧。”
  Ned's hands fumbled at the skin. 奈德的手慌乱地捧着酒袋。
  "Is this the same poison they gave Robert?" “他们给劳勃喝的,就是这种毒药么?”
  You wrong me, Varys said sadly. “您错怪我了,”瓦里斯哀伤地说,
  "Truly, no one loves a eunuch. Give me the skin." “果真是没人喜欢太监啊。酒袋给我。”
  He drank, a trickle of red leaking from the corner of his plump mouth. 他喝了几口,红色的酒液从他肥厚的嘴角流淌下来。
  "Not the equal of the vintage you offered me the night of the tourney, “这虽然不能和比武大会当晚您请我喝的酒相提并论,
  but no more poisonous than most," he concluded, wiping his lips. "Here." 但也绝非毒药。”他抹抹嘴下了结论。“来。”
  Ned tried a swallow. "Dregs." 奈德试着啜下一口。“这是酒糟。”
  He felt as though he were about to bring the wine back up. 他觉得自己快吐出来了。
  All men must swallow the sour with the sweet. High lords and eunuchs alike.  “是啊,不管你是王公贵族还是太监走卒,酸的甜的都得学着吞。
  Your hour has come, my lord. 大人,您的时辰近了。”
  My daughters...  “我女儿们……”
  The younger girl escaped Sir Meryn and fled, Varys told him. “您的小女儿从马林爵士手边逃脱了,”瓦里斯告诉他,
  "I have not been able to find her. Nor have the Lannisters. “我到现在都没能找到她,兰尼斯特的人也找不到,
  A kindness, there. Our new king loves her not. 这多少算是诸神慈悲罢,因为我们的新国王并不爱她。
  Your older girl is still betrothed to Joffrey. 您的大女儿依然是乔佛里的未婚妻,
  Cersei keeps her close. 瑟曦把她留在身边,
  She came to court a few days ago to plead that you be spared.  她几天前刚上朝为您求情。