冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第892期:第四十二章 艾德(9)(在线收听

   A pity you couldn't have been there, you would have been touched." He leaned forward intently. 只可惜您不在场,否则一定会大受感动。”他意图昭昭地往前靠。

  "I trust you realize that you are a dead man, Lord Eddard?" “艾德大人,想必您知道自己在劫难逃吧?”
  The queen will not kill me, Ned said. “王后不会杀我,”奈德说。
  His head swam; the wine was strong, and it had been too long since he'd eaten. "Cat... Cat holds her brother... " 他开始头晕目眩;这酒太烈,他又太久没有进食。“凯特……凯特手里有她弟弟……”
  The wrong brother, Varys sighed. "And lost to her, in any case. “但不是她爱的弟弟,”瓦里斯叹道,“而且这会儿也跑了。
  She let the Imp slip through her fingers. 显然是她让小恶魔从手里钻了出去。
  I expect he is dead by now, somewhere in the Mountains of the Moon." 我看他现在多半已经死在明月山脉里某个不知名的地方了吧。”
  If that is true, slit my throat and have done with it. “倘若真是这样,那快快割了我喉咙,做个了结。”
  He was dizzy from the wine, tired and heartsick. 酒劲上涌,他身心俱疲,头脑昏沉。
  Your blood is the last thing I desire. “我对您的血一点兴趣都没有。”
  Ned frowned. "When they slaughtered my guard, you stood beside the queen and watched, and said not a word." 奈德皱眉:“当他们屠杀我的手下时,你可是站在王后身边袖手旁观,一声不吭。”
  And would again. I seem to recall that I was unarmed, unarmored, and surrounded by Lannister swords. “换做是现在,我还是会那么做。我记得自己当时不但手无寸铁,没盔没甲,还被兰尼斯特的武士团团围住。”
  The eunuch looked at him curiously, tilting his head. 太监歪着头,好奇地打量他。
  "When I was a young boy, before I was cut, I traveled with a troupe of mummers through the Free Cities. “我小时候,还没被割之前,曾跟戏班子在自由贸易城邦巡回演出。
  They taught me that each man has a role to play, in life as well as mummery. 他们教会我一件事,那就是每个人都有自己该扮演的角色,戏里戏外都一样。