冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第893期:第四十二章 艾德(10)(在线收听

   So it is at court. The King's Justice must be fearsome, the master of coin must be frugal, 朝廷里也是如此,所以御前执法官必须模样凶神恶煞,财政大臣要勤俭成性,

  the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard must be valiant... and the master of whisperers must be sly and obsequious and without scruple. 御林铁卫队长则需勇武过人……而情报总管呢,当然应该诡计多端、擅长逢迎拍捧、行事无孔不入。
  A courageous informer would be as useless as a cowardly knight." He took the wineskin back and drank. 而一个勇气十足的情报头子,就和一个懦弱胆小的骑士一样没用。”他拿回酒袋,喝了起来。
  Ned studied the eunuch's face, searching for truth beneath the mummer's scars and false stubble. 奈德审视着太监的脸,搜寻他的假疤痕和假胡子下的真相。
  He tried some more wine. This time it went down easier. 他又试着喝了点酒,这回顺口多了。
  "Can you free me from this pit?" “你能把我从这地穴救出去吗?”
  I could... but will I? No. “我能……但我要不要这么做呢?当然不。
  Questions would be asked, and the answers would lead back to me. 到时候一定有人展开调查,而所有的线索都会指向我。”
  Ned had expected no more. 奈德原本也不期望他答应。
  "You are blunt." “你还真是实话实说。”
  A eunuch has no honor, and a spider does not enjoy the luxury of scruples, my lord. “大人,太监没有荣誉,蜘蛛也没有行事顾及自尊的福分。”
  Would you at least consent to carry a message out for me? “那你可否至少替我送封信?”
  That would depend on the message. “得视信的内容而定。
  I will gladly provide you with paper and ink, if you like. 您要的话,我很乐意提供纸笔。
  And when you have written what you will, I will take the letter and read it, and deliver it or not, as best serves my own ends. 等你写好之后,我会把信拿来读一遍,至于要不要送出去,则要看信是否合乎我个人目的了。”