冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第895期:第四十二章 艾德(12)(在线收听

   It was not wine that killed the king. It was your mercy." 但是,杀死国王的不是药酒,而是您的‘仁慈’。”

  Ned had feared as much. "Gods forgive me." 奈德就怕这个。“诸神饶恕我。”
  If there are gods, Varys said, "I expect they will. “假如世间真有神灵存在,”瓦里斯道,“我想他们不会苛责您的。
  The queen would not have waited long in any case. 反正瑟曦也不会等太久。
  Robert was becoming unruly, and she needed to be rid of him to free her hands to deal with his brothers. 劳勃越来越难驾驭,她必须先除掉他,才能放手对付他两个弟弟。
  They are quite a pair, Stannis and Renly. The iron gauntlet and the silk glove." 史坦尼斯和蓝礼两个还真是一对,一个铁甲拳,一个丝手套。”
  He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. 他用手背抹抹嘴。
  "You have been foolish, my lord. You ought to have heeded Littlefinger when he urged you to support Joffrey's succession." “大人,您太蠢了,当初您应该听从小指头的建议,拥护乔佛里登基。”
  How... how could you know of that? “你……你怎么知道?”
  Varys smiled. "I know, that's all that need concern you. 瓦里斯微微一笑。“您只要知道我知道这件事就够了。
  I also know that on the morrow the queen will pay you a visit." 我还知道太后明天会来拜访您。”
  Slowly Ned raised his eyes. "Why?" 奈德缓缓抬眼。“为什么?”
  Cersei is frightened of you, my lord... but she has other enemies she fears even more. “大人,瑟曦虽然怕你……但她更怕别人。
  Her beloved Jaime is fighting the river lords even now. 她亲爱的詹姆此刻正与河间贵族作战,
  Lysa Arryn sits in the Eyrie, ringed in stone and steel, and there is no love lost between her and the queen.  莱莎·艾林高据鹰巢城,占有天险,兵力雄厚,而她和太后向来不睦。