冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第896期:第四十二章 艾德(13)(在线收听

   In Dorne, the Martells still brood on the murder of Princess Elia and her babes. 多恩领方面,马泰尔家族至今依旧对伊莉亚公主和她小婴儿的死怀恨在心。

  And now your son marches down the Neck with a northern host at his back." 更何况这会儿令公子又带着北方诸侯大军越过颈泽往南来了。”
  Robb is only a boy, Ned said, aghast. “罗柏只是个孩子。”奈德大惊失色。
  A boy with an army, Varys said. "Yet only a boy, as you say. “是个握有大军的孩子。”瓦里斯道,“不过如您所说,他毕竟只是个孩子。
  The king's brothers are the ones giving Cersei sleepless nights... Lord Stannis in particular. 真正令瑟曦寝食难安的是国王的两个弟弟。……尤其是史坦尼斯大人。
  His claim is the true one, he is known for his prowess as a battle commander, and he is utterly without mercy. 他的继承权名正言顺,本人又能征善战,而且绝不心软。
  There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man. 这世上再没有谁比一个绝对刚正不阿的人更可怕。
  No one knows what Stannis has been doing on Dragonstone, but I will wager you that he's gathered more swords than seashells. 这段时间史坦尼斯在龙石岛做些什么,没有人知道,可我敢打赌,他是在招聚兵马,决非收集贝壳。
  So here is Cersei's nightmare: while her father and brother spend their power battling Starks and Tullys, 所以啰,瑟曦怕的就是:当她的父亲和弟弟对付史塔克家和徒利家的时候,
  Lord Stannis will land, proclaim himself king, and lop off her son's curly blond head... 史坦尼斯趁机登陆,自立为王,并砍掉她儿子那个生了漂亮卷发的头……
  and her own in the bargain, though I truly believe she cares more about the boy." 当然,她自己也难保性命,虽说我真的相信她比较在乎孩子。”
  Stannis Baratheon is Robert's true heir, Ned said. "The throne is his by rights. I would welcome his ascent." “史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩是劳勃真正的继承人,”奈德说,“王位本归他所有,我欢迎他登基为王。”