冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第898期:第四十二章 艾德(15)(在线收听

   The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, and a sorrow too deep for words. 想到琼恩,奈德满怀羞耻,以及一种言词难以形容的深深哀恸。

  If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him... pain shot through his broken leg, beneath the filthy grey plaster of his cast. 如果能再看看那孩子,坐下来和他好好谈心就好了……剧痛从断腿脏污的灰色石膏底下传来,
  He winced, his fingers opening and closing helplessly. 他皱紧眉头,手指无助地又张又阖。
  "Is this your own scheme," he gasped out at Varys, "or are you in league with Littlefinger?" “这是你的主意,”他喘着气对瓦里斯说,“还是你和小指头一起想出来的?”
  That seemed to amuse the eunuch. 这话似乎令太监甚觉有趣。
  "I would sooner wed the Black Goat of Qohor. “要我跟他同伙,那我宁可娶一只科霍尔的黑羊。
  Littlefinger is the second most devious man in the Seven Kingdoms. 小指头是七国上下第二狡猾的人。
  Oh, I feed him choice whispers, sufficient so that he thinks I am his... just as I allow Cersei to believe I am hers." 哎,我是会给他挑一些有用的消息,刚好足以让他‘以为’我是他的人……就好像我让瑟曦也如此相信。”
  And just as you let me believe that you were mine. “就好像你让我也如此相信。
  Tell me, Lord Varys, who do you truly serve? 瓦里斯大人,请您告诉我,您到底为谁效力?”
  Varys smiled thinly. 瓦里斯浅浅一笑。
  "Why, the realm, my good lord, how ever could you doubt that? “唉,大人,这还用说吗?我当然是为国效力了。
  I swear it by my lost manhood. 我以我失去的命根子发誓,
  I serve the realm, and the realm needs peace." 我为国家效命,而国家需要的正是和平。”
  He finished the last swallow of wine, and tossed the empty skin aside. 他喝完最后一口酒,把空酒袋丢到一边。
  "So what is your answer, Lord Eddard? “所以啰,艾德大人,您的回答是什么?
  Give me your word that you'll tell the queen what she wants to hear when she comes calling." 请您向我保证,等太后到来时,您会说出她想听的话。”