冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第899期:第四十二章 艾德(16)(在线收听

   If I did, my word would be as hollow as an empty suit of armor. “如果我作这种保证,那我的誓言与没人穿的空洞铠甲何异?

  My life is not so precious to me as that. 我的命不至于珍贵到那种地步。”
  Pity. The eunuch stood. "And your daughter's life, my lord? How precious is that?" “可惜。”太监起身。“那么大人,您女儿的性命呢?那又有多珍贵?”
  A chill pierced Ned's heart. "My daughter... " 一股寒意袭上奈德心头。“我女儿……”
  Surely you did not think I'd forgotten about your sweet innocent, my lord? “大人,您总不会以为我忘记了您纯真的乖女儿呢?
  The queen most certainly has not. 太后她可是绝对不会忘记。”
  No, Ned pleaded, his voice cracking. “不要,”奈德哑着嗓子哀求。
  "Varys, gods have mercy, do as you like with me, but leave my daughter out of your schemes. “瓦里斯,诸神慈悲,要杀要剐我任你处置,但别把我女儿牵扯进来。
  Sansa's no more than a child." 珊莎不过是个孩子。”
  Rhaenys was a child too. Prince Rhaegar's daughter. “雷加王子的女儿雷妮丝公主不也是个孩子?
  A precious little thing, younger than your girls. 她是个讨人喜欢的小宝贝,年纪比您两个女儿都要小。
  She had a small black kitten she called Balerion, did you know? 您可知道,她养了一只小黑猫,名叫贝勒里恩?
  I always wondered what happened to him. 到现在我始终不知道那只猫的下落。
  Rhaenys liked to pretend he was the true Balerion, the Black Dread of old, 雷妮丝老爱把它当作真正的黑死神贝勒里恩。
  but I imagine the Lannisters taught her the difference between a kitten and a dragon quick enough, the day they broke down her door. 不过呢,我想在兰尼斯特军撞开她房门那天,他们很快就让她知道小猫和飞龙之间的差异了罢。”
  Varys gave a long weary sigh, the sigh of a man who carried all the sadness of the world in a sack upon his shoulders.  瓦里斯疲倦地一声长叹,仿佛肩负着全世界的哀伤。