冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第900期:第四十二章 艾德(17)(在线收听

   "The High Septon once told me that as we sin, so do we suffer. “总主教大人曾对我说,因为我们有罪,所以我们受苦。

  If that's true, Lord Eddard, tell me... why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones? 假如这是真的,艾德大人,请告诉我……为何在你们这些王公贵族的权力游戏里面,永远是无辜的人受苦最多?
  Ponder it, if you would, while you wait upon the queen. 您愿意的话,就在王后到来之前,好好想一想罢。
  And spare a thought for this as well: 除此之外,更请您想清楚:
  The next visitor who calls on you could bring you bread and cheese and the milk of the poppy for your pain... or he could bring you Sansa's head." 下一个来探访您的人可能带着面包乳酪,以及减轻痛苦的罂粟花奶……却也可能带着珊莎的项上人头。”
  "The choice, my dear lord Hand, is entirely yours." “要选哪一种呢,亲爱的首相大人,完完全全看您的决定了。”
  Catelyn. As the host trooped down the causeway through the black bogs of the Neck and spilled out into the riverlands beyond, Catelyn's apprehensions grew. 凯特琳。眼看部队沿堤道穿过颈泽的黑色沼地,涌进彼方的河间地区,凯特琳的忧虑与日俱增。
  She masked her fears behind a face kept still and stern, yet they were there all the same, growing with every league they crossed. 虽然她将恐惧埋藏在沉着冷静的面具之下,但它依旧存在,并随着他们跨越的每一里格不断增长。
  Her days were anxious, her nights restless, and every raven that flew overhead made her clench her teeth. 白天她焦虑不安,晚上则辗转反侧,每一只飞过头顶的渡鸦,都令她不禁咬紧牙关。