冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第901期:第四十三章 凯特琳(1)(在线收听

   She feared for her lord father, and wondered at his ominous silence. 她为父亲恐惧,对他的缄默大惑不解。

  She feared for her brother Edmure, and prayed that the gods would watch over him if he must face the Kingslayer in battle. 她为弟弟艾德慕恐惧,并暗自祈求,倘若他必须与弑君者在战场上相见,请天上诸神务必看护他。
  She feared for Ned and her girls, and for the sweet sons she had left behind at Winterfell. 她更为奈德和两个女儿,为那两个她丢在临冬城不管的乖儿子恐惧。
  And yet there was nothing she could do for any of them, and so she made herself put all thought of them aside. 然而,她对他们每一个人都无能为力,于是她逼迫自己将这些念头统统抛到脑后。
  You must save your strength for Robb, she told herself. He is the only one you can help. 你必须将力量留给罗柏,她这么对自己说,他是你惟一帮得上忙的人。
  You must be as fierce and hard as the north, Catelyn Tully. You must be a Stark for true now, like your son. 凯特琳·徒利,现在的你,必须像北方一样坚毅刚强,必须成为一个名符其实的史塔克家人,像你的儿子一样。
  Robb rode at the front of the column, beneath the flapping white banner of Winterfell. 罗柏骑马走在队伍最前面,临冬城的白色旗帜在他头顶迎风飘扬。
  Each day he would ask one of his lords to join him, so they might confer as they marched; 每天,他都会请一位封臣与他同行,借此机会讨论战略;
  he honored every man in turn, showing no favorites, listening as his lord father had listened, weighing the words of one against the other. 他轮流邀请每一位诸侯,丝毫没有表现出个人好恶,像他的父亲一样用心聆听对方意见,仔细衡量每种说法。
  He has learned so much from Ned, she thought as she watched him, but has he learned enough? 他从奈德那里学了好多,她看着他,心里想着,可他学够了吗?
  The Blackfish had taken a hundred picked men and a hundred swift horses and raced ahead to screen their movements and scout the way. 黑鱼精挑细选出一百个人和一百匹好马,当先到前方掩蔽他们的行踪,并执行侦察任务。
  The reports Sir Brynden's riders brought back did little to reassure her.  而布林登爵士的部下回报的消息,丝毫未能纾解她的忧虑。