冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第903期:第四十三章 凯特琳(3)(在线收听

   "Do you think he means to betray us to the Lannisters, my lady?" Robett Glover asked gravely. “夫人,您认为他打算把我们出卖给兰尼斯特?”罗贝特·葛洛佛语气沉重地问。

  Catelyn sighed. "If truth be told, I doubt even Lord Frey knows what Lord Frey intends to do. 凯特琳叹道:“说真的,我怀疑佛雷大人自己都不确定有何打算。
  He has an old man's caution and a young man's ambition, and has never lacked for cunning." 他既有老人家的行事谨慎,又有年轻人的野心勃勃,更不缺精打细算。”
  "We must have the Twins, Mother," Robb said heatedly. “母亲,我们一定要得到孪河城的支持。”罗柏的口气有些冲,
  "There is no other way across the river. You know that." “你也知道,除此之外无处可以渡河。”
  "Yes. And so does Walder Frey, you can be sure of that." “没错,而且你大可放心,瓦德·佛雷也很清楚。”
  That night they made camp on the southern edge of the bogs, halfway between the kingsroad and the river. 当晚,他们在沼泽的南界扎营,正好在国王大道和河流中间。
  It was there Theon Greyjoy brought them further word from her uncle. 席恩·葛雷乔伊便是在此为他们带来她叔叔的新情报。
  "Sir Brynden says to tell you he's crossed swords with the Lannisters. “布林登爵士要我告诉你们,他已经和兰尼斯特军发生了遭遇战。
  There are a dozen scouts who won't be reporting back to Lord Tywin anytime soon. Or ever." 有十来个斥候大概暂时不会回去跟泰温大人报告了,我看他们永远也回不去了。”
  He grinned. "Sir Addam Marbrand commands their outriders, and he's pulling back south, burning as he goes. 他嘻嘻笑道,“负责指挥敌军侦察部队的是亚当·马尔布兰爵士,他正掉头往南,沿途到处放火。
  He knows where we are, more or less, but the Blackfish vows he will not know when we split." 他约略知道我们的位置,但黑鱼发誓绝不让他知道我们何时兵分两路。”
  "Unless Lord Frey tells him," Catelyn said sharply. “除非佛雷大人告诉他。”凯特琳语气尖锐,
  "Theon, when you return to my uncle, tell him he is to place his best bowmen around the Twins,  “席恩,你回去之后,请我叔叔将手下最厉害的弓箭手布置在孪河城四周,
  day and night, with orders to bring down any raven they see leaving the battlements. 日夜监视,一旦有渡鸦出城,立刻将其射下,
  I want no birds bringing word of my son's movements to Lord Tywin." 我不希望有任何飞鸟将我儿的动向报告给泰温大人。”