冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第904期:第四十三章 凯特琳(4)(在线收听

   "Sir Brynden has seen to it already, my lady," Theon replied with a cocky smile. “夫人,布林登大人早已这么办了。”席恩带着一抹得意的笑容回答,

  "A few more blackbirds, and we should have enough to bake a pie. “再多几只黑鸟,我们都可以拿来做馅饼了。
  I'll save you their feathers for a hat." 我会把羽毛留下来给您做顶帽子的。”
  She ought to have known that Brynden Blackfish would be well ahead of her. 她早该想到,黑鱼布林登的考虑远比自己周详。
  "What have the Freys been doing while the Lannisters burn their fields and plunder their holdfasts?" “既然兰尼斯特军纵火焚烧佛雷家族的田地,掠夺他们的农舍,那他们有何反应?”
  "There's been some fighting between Sir Addam's men and Lord Walder's," Theon answered. “亚当爵士和瓦德大人双方的部队有过遭遇战,”席恩回答,
  "Not a day's ride from here, we found two Lannister scouts feeding the crows where the Freys had strung them up. “距此不到一日骑程,我们发现两个兰尼斯特斥候被佛雷家士兵绑起来喂乌鸦。
  Most of Lord Walder's strength remains massed at the Twins, though." 当然,瓦德大人绝大多数兵力集结在孪河城。”
  That bore Walder Frey's seal beyond a doubt, Catelyn thought bitterly; hold back, wait, watch, take no risk unless forced to it. 按兵不动,静观其变,不明动态,绝不出手,这真是瓦德·佛雷的不改作风,凯特琳苦涩地想。
  "If he's been fighting the Lannisters, perhaps he does mean to hold to his vows," Robb said. “既然他已和兰尼斯特军开战,或许他的确有意遵守誓言。”罗柏道。
  Catelyn was less encouraged. "Defending his own lands is one thing, open battle against Lord Tywin quite another." 凯特琳可没那么乐观。“保护自己的领地是一回事,公然与泰温大人作战又是另一回事。”
  Robb turned back to Theon Greyjoy. "Has the Blackfish found any other way across the Green Fork?" 罗柏转头对席恩·葛雷乔伊说:“黑鱼有没有发现其他渡过绿叉河的方法?”
  Theon shook his head. "The river's running high and fast. Sir Brynden says it can't be forded, not this far north." 席恩摇摇头。“现在水位很高,水流又湍急,布林登爵士说在这么上游的地方是不可能渡河的。”