冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第907期:第四十三章 凯特琳(7)(在线收听

   Robb's neck reddened at the rebuke. 听她责备,罗柏从脸孔红到脖子。

  "Tell me what you mean, Mother," he said meekly. “母亲,请您告诉我您的意见。”他口气温顺地说。
  "The Freys have held the crossing for six hundred years, and for six hundred years they have never failed to exact their toll." “佛雷家族把守渡口已经六百年,六百年来,他们从来不忘收取过桥费。”
  "What toll? What does he want?" She smiled. "That is what we must discover." “过桥费?他到底想怎样?”她微笑道:“这就轮到我们去发现了。”
  "And what if I do not choose to pay this toll?" “假如我不打算付过桥费呢?”
  "Then you had best retreat back to Moat Cailin, deploy to meet Lord Tywin in battle... or grow wings. “那么你最好退回卡林湾,布好阵势迎接泰温大人……不然就是长出翅膀。
  I see no other choices." 我看没别的方法。”
  Catelyn put her heels to her horse and rode off, leaving her son to ponder her words. 凯特琳轻踢马肚,向前奔去,让儿子留下来思索她的话。
  It would not do to make him feel as if his mother were usurping his place. 若是让他觉得母亲在抢夺他的权位,那可不成。
  Did you teach him wisdom as well as valor, Ned? 奈德,除了勇气之外,你可有教导他智慧?
  she wondered. Did you teach him how to kneel? 她暗想,你可有教导他如何低头?
  The graveyards of the Seven Kingdoms were full of brave men who had never learned that lesson. 七大王国的坟墓里多的是徒有勇武,却不知该何时低头的人。
  It was near midday when their vanguard came in sight of the Twins, where the Lords of the Crossing had their seat. 日近正午,孪河城进入先锋部队的视线,此地便是河渡口领主的根据地。
  The Green Fork ran swift and deep here, but the Freys had spanned it many centuries past and grown rich off the coin men paid them to cross. 这里的绿叉河水既深且急,但佛雷家族的势力早在几世纪前便横跨两岸,并靠着渡河者缴纳的费用致富。
  Their bridge was a massive arch of smooth grey rock, wide enough for two wagons to pass abreast; 他们建造的通道是一座巨大的平滑灰石拱桥,宽度足以让两部马车并眉而行;
  the Water Tower rose from the center of the span, commanding both road and river with its arrow slits, murder holes, and portcullises.  卫河塔矗立于弧桥中央,以其射箭孔、杀人洞和铁闸门睥睨河流和道路。