冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第909期:第四十三章 凯特琳(9)(在线收听

   Across the deep-running green waters, the western twin stood like a reflection of its eastern brother. 深流奔涌的绿水对岸,河西城堡有如其东边兄弟的倒影。

  "Even if we had the time. Which, to be sure, we do not." “即使时间充裕也没办法,而我们的时间可是一点也不充裕。”
  As the northern lords studied the castle, a sally port opened, 正当北方诸侯观察城堡时,一扇边门突然打开,
  a plank bridge slid across the moat, and a dozen knights rode forth to confront them, led by four of Lord Walder's many sons. 伸出一座木板桥跨越护城河,十来个骑士朝他们而来。他们由瓦德侯爵的四个儿子率领,
  Their banner bore twin towers, dark blue on a field of pale silver-grey. 打着银灰色底、深蓝双塔的旗帜。
  Sir Stevron Frey, Lord Walder's heir, spoke for them. 史提夫伦·瓦德爵士,瓦德侯爵的继承人,代表他们发言。
  The Freys all looked like weasels; 佛雷家的人个个看起来像黄鼠狼;
  Sir Stevron, past sixty with grandchildren of his own, looked like an especially old and tired weasel, yet he was polite enough. 年过六旬,自己都有孙子的史提夫伦爵士,看起来尤其像只年老而疲惫的黄鼠狼,不过他到底还颇有礼貌。
  "My lord father has sent me to greet you, and inquire as to who leads this mighty host." “家父派我前来问候诸位,敢问率领这支劲旅的是何许人?”
  "I do." Robb spurred his horse forward. “是我。”罗柏催马上前。
  He was in his armor, with the direwolf shield of Winterfell strapped to his saddle and Grey Wind padding by his side. 他全身铠甲,临冬城的冰原狼徽盾系在马鞍,灰风轻步跟在身边。
  The old knight looked at her son with a faint flicker of amusement in his watery grey eyes, 老骑士水汪汪的灰眼里闪现出一抹兴味,
  though his gelding whickered uneasily and sidled away from the direwolf. 但他的坐骑却不安地哼了两声,避开了冰原狼。
  "My lord father would be most honored if you would share meat and mead with him in the castle and explain your purpose here." “如您愿意到城里与家父共进晚餐,表明您的来意,相信他必定大感荣幸。”