冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第910期:第四十三章 凯特琳(10)(在线收听

   His words crashed among the lords bannermen like a great stone from a catapult. 他的这番话,有如投石机射出的巨石,在北境诸侯中炸裂开来。

  Not one of them approved. They cursed, argued, shouted down each other. 众人均大为不满,他们或咒骂,或争执,彼此大呼小叫。
  "You must not do this, my lord," Galbart Glover pleaded with Robb. “大人,您千万不能去,”盖伯特·葛洛佛向罗柏陈情。
  "Lord Walder is not to be trusted." “绝不能信任瓦德大人。”
  Roose Bolton nodded. "Go in there alone and you're his. 卢斯·波顿点点头。“单身赴约,您就是任他宰割。
  He can sell you to the Lannisters, throw you in a dungeon, or slit your throat, as he likes." 他可以把您卖给兰尼斯特,把您丢进地牢,甚或割了您喉咙,一切随他高兴。”
  "If he wants to talk to us, let him open his gates, and we will all share his meat and mead," declared Sir Wendel Manderly. “如果他想跟我们谈谈,叫他打开城门,让我们全体进去与他共进晚餐。”文德尔·曼德勒爵士高声宣布。
  "Or let him come out and treat with Robb here, in plain sight of his men and ours," suggested his brother, Sir Wylis. “干脆要他出来,就在这里宴请罗柏,当着双方所有人的面。”他的哥哥威里斯爵士提议。
  Catelyn Stark shared all their doubts, but she had only to glance at Sir Stevron to see that he was not pleased by what he was hearing. 凯特琳·史塔克与他们同感疑虑,但她只瞄了史提夫伦爵士一眼,便看出他对所见所闻甚感不悦,
  A few more words and the chance would be lost. She had to act, and quickly. 只要再多几句,机会就会稍纵即逝。她必须采取行动,越快越好。
  "I will go," she said loudly. “让我去。”她高声说。
  "You, my lady?" The Greatjon furrowed his brow. “夫人,您去?”大琼恩皱起眉头。
  "Mother, are you certain?" Clearly, Robb was not. “母亲,您确定吗?”显然,罗柏并不确定。
  "Never more," Catelyn lied glibly. “我当然确定,”凯特琳伶俐地撒谎,
  "Lord Walder is my father's bannerman. “瓦德大人是我父亲的封臣,
  I have known him since I was a girl. 我从小就认识他,
  He would never offer me any harm." 他绝对不会对我怎么样的。”
  Unless he saw some profit in it, she added silently, but some truths did not bear saying, and some lies were necessary. 除非有利可图,她在心里暗暗注明,但有些事情不能明讲,有些谎言也是必须。