冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第912期:第四十三章 凯特琳(12)(在线收听

   His newest wife, a pale frail girl of sixteen years, walked beside his litter when they carried him in. 他最新一任妻子是个十六岁的女孩,苍白瘦弱,跟在他担架旁边走进来。

  She was the eighth Lady Frey. 她是第八任佛雷夫人。
  "It is a great pleasure to see you again after so many years, my lord," Catelyn said. “大人,多年不见,今日重逢,真是倍感喜悦。”凯特琳道。
  The old man squinted at her suspiciously. 老人满腹狐疑地眯眼盯着她。
  "Is it? I doubt that. “是么?我倒很怀疑。
  Spare me your sweet words, Lady Catelyn, I am too old. 凯特琳夫人,我年纪大了,你就省省这些甜言蜜语吧。
  Why are you here? 为什么是你在这里?
  Is your boy too proud to come before me himself? 难道说你家儿子太尊贵,不愿亲自来见我?
  What am I to do with you?" 我又该拿你怎么办呢?”
  Catelyn had been a girl the last time she had visited the Twins, 凯特琳上次造访孪河城,还是个小女孩,
  but even then Lord Walder had been irascible, sharp of tongue, and blunt of manner. 当时的瓦德侯爵便已经是个脾气暴躁,语气尖刻且无甚礼貌的人,
  Age had made him worse than ever, it would seem. 看来岁月使他更令人难以忍受了。
  She would need to choose her words with care, and do her best to take no offense from his. 她的措辞必须格外谨慎,尽全力不去在意他的言语冒犯。
  "Father," Sir Stevron said reproachfully, "you forget yourself. Lady Stark is here at your invitation." “父亲,”史提夫伦爵士语带责备地说,“您忘了吗?凯特琳夫人正是受您之邀而来。”
  "Did I ask you? You are not Lord Frey yet, not until I die. “我在问你吗?我还没死,你就不是佛雷侯爵。
  Do I look dead? 我看起来像死人吗?
  I'll hear no instructions from you." 我用不着听你说教。”
  "This is no way to speak in front of our noble guest, Father," one of his younger sons said. “父亲大人,这不是待客之道吧?”他另一个年纪较轻的儿子说。
  "Now my bastards presume to teach me courtesy," Lord Walder complained. “这会儿连我的私生子都教训起我来啦?”瓦德侯爵抱怨,
  "I'll speak any way I like, damn you. “你们都该死,我爱说什么便说什么。