冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第914期:第四十三章 凯特琳(14)(在线收听

   "To Riverrun," Catelyn confirmed. She saw no reason to deny it. “去奔流城。”凯特琳证实。她不觉有何必要否认。

  "Where I might have expected to find you, my lord. “大人,我本以为会在那里见到您。
  You are still my father's bannerman, are you not?" 您仍然是家父的臣属,是吧?”
  "Heh," said Lord Walder, a noise halfway between a laugh and a grunt. “嘿,”瓦德侯爵道,他的声音介乎于冷笑和咕哝之间。
  "I called my swords, yes I did, here they are, you saw them on the walls. “你也看到啦,城墙上那么多兵,还不都是我召集的?
  It was my intent to march as soon as all my strength was assembled. Well, 我打算等部队全体到齐之后,立刻就出发。当然啦,
  to send my sons. I am well past marching myself, Lady Catelyn." 我的意思是派我儿子去,凯特琳夫人,我这身老骨头已经过了带兵打仗的年纪啰。”
  He looked around for likely confirmation and pointed to a tall, stooped man of fifty years. 他环顾四周,仿佛在期待众人的肯定,接着他指指一位五十来岁,高大驼背的男子。
  "Tell her, Jared. Tell her that was my intent." “杰瑞,你告诉她,告诉她这的确是我的打算。”
  "It was, my lady," said Sir Jared Frey, one of his sons by his second wife. "On my honor." “夫人,的确是这样,”杰瑞·佛雷爵士道,他是第二任佛雷夫人所生的儿子。“我以我的名誉发誓。”
  "Is it my fault that your fool brother lost his battle before we could march?"  “你那蠢弟弟在我们动身之前就吃了败仗,难道说这是我的错?”
  He leaned back against his cushions and scowled at her, as if challenging her to dispute his version of events. 他向后靠上背垫,皱眉看她,仿佛在等她质疑他的说词。
  "I am told the Kingslayer went through him like an axe through ripe cheese. “我听说弑君者把他打得落花流水,跟拿斧头切乳酪一样。
  Why should my boys hurry south to die? 我的儿子干嘛急着南下送死啊?
  All those who did go south are running north again." 到南方去的人现在不都慌着逃回来?”
  Catelyn would gladly have spitted the querulous old man and roasted him over a fire, but she had only till evenfall to open the bridge. 凯特琳真想朝这满腹牢骚的老头吐口水,然后把他架在火上烤,然而她只有黄昏之前这段时间来打开桥梁,
  Calmly, she said, "All the more reason that we must reach Riverrun, and soon. 于是她平静地说:“所以我们才更应该尽快赶到奔流城。
  Where can we go to talk, my lord?" 大人,我们可否换个地方谈话?”