冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第915期:第四十三章 凯特琳(15)(在线收听

   "We're talking now," Lord Frey complained. “我们现在不就在谈?”佛雷侯爵抱怨。

  The spotted pink head snapped around. 他那遍布老人斑的粉红秃头倏地一转。
  "What are you all looking at?" he shouted at his kin. "Get out of here. “你们看什么?”他朝周围的亲人吼,“还不快滚?
  Lady Stark wants to speak to me in private.  史塔克夫人要跟我私下谈谈,
  Might be she has designs on my fidelity, heh. 搞不好她想让我出轨哩,嘿。
  Go, all of you, find something useful to do. 你们通通都退下,去找点有用的事做。
  Yes, you too, woman. Out, out, out." 对,你也一样,臭女人,出去,出去,出去!”
  As his sons and grandsons and daughters and bastards and nieces and nephews streamed from the hall, 他的儿子、孙子、女儿、私生子、外孙、外孙女们鱼贯离开大厅,
  he leaned close to Catelyn and confessed, "They're all waiting for me to die. 他则靠向凯特琳,坦白承认,“他们全部都在等我死,
  Stevron's been waiting for forty years, but I keep disappointing him. Heh. 史提夫伦已经等了四十年啦,可我偏要教他失望。嘿,
  Why should I die just so he can be a lord? I ask you. I won't do it." 我干嘛提早上天,好让他继承爵位啊,你说是不是?我偏不要。”
  "I have every hope that you will live to be a hundred." “我衷心希望您活到一百岁。”
  "That would boil them, to be sure. Oh, to be sure. “那可会叫他们七窍生烟,一定会的。
  Now, what do you want to say?" 好吧,你到底想谈什么?”
  "We want to cross," Catelyn told him. “我们想渡河。”凯特琳对他说。
  "Oh, do you? That's blunt. Why should I let you?" “哦,是嘛?你说得轻巧,我为何放你们过去?”
  For a moment her anger flared. 一时之间,她的怒意猛地冒上来。
  "If you were strong enough to climb your own battlements, Lord Frey, you would see that my son has twenty thousand men outside your walls." “佛雷大人,假如你还有力气爬上自己的城墙,你会看到城外有我儿子的两万精兵。”