冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第917期:第四十三章 凯特琳(17)(在线收听

   I'll wager you, he eats too many beans, he breaks wind just like me, but you'll never hear him admit it, oh, no. 我敢跟你打赌,他豆子吃多了,跟我一样会放屁,不过你甭想听他承认,想都别想。

  What's he got to be so puffed up about anyway? 他在拽个什么劲咧?
  Only two sons, and one of them's a twisted little monster. 也不过两个儿子,其中一个还是畸形小怪物,
  I'll match him son for son, and I'll still have nineteen and a half left when all of his are dead!" 我可以拿儿子跟他一个换一个,等他的都死光了,我还剩十九个半咧!”
  He cackled. "If Lord Tywin wants my help, he can bloody well ask for it." 他咯咯笑道,“如果泰温大人需要我帮忙,他好歹可以问他妈的一声吧?”
  That was all Catelyn needed to hear. 凯特琳需要的就是这句。
  "I am asking for your help, my lord," she said humbly. “大人,我现在就是请求您帮忙,”她谦卑地说,
  "And my father and my brother and my lord husband and my sons are asking with my voice." “我代表我父亲、我弟弟、我丈夫以及我儿子向您请求。”
  Lord Walder jabbed a bony finger at her face. 瓦德大人伸出一只干枯的手指指着她。
  "Save your sweet words, my lady. Sweet words I get from my wife. “夫人,你省省这些甜言蜜语,甜言蜜语我听我老婆讲就够了。
  Did you see her? Sixteen she is, a little flower, and her honey's only for me. 你见着她没有?才十六岁,像朵小花,她的花蜜可是只给我一个人喝哟。
  I wager she gives me a son by this time next year. 我敢打赌,明年这时候啊,她就会再给我添个儿子。
  Perhaps I'll make him heir, wouldn't that boil the rest of them?" 说不定我就让他当我的继承人,你说这会不会把他们活活气死啊?”
  "I'm certain she will give you many sons." “我相信她一定会给您添许多儿子的。”
  His head bobbed up and down. 他的头前后摇摆。
  "Your lord father did not come to the wedding. “令尊没来参加我的婚礼,
  An insult, as I see it. Even if he is dying.  在我看来,就算他快死了,这依旧是侮辱。