冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第918期:第四十三章 凯特琳(18)(在线收听

   He never came to my last wedding either. 别忘了,我上次结婚他也没来,

  He calls me the Late Lord Frey, you know. 还叫我做‘迟到的佛雷侯爵’,这你总知道吧?
  Does he think I'm dead? 难道他以为我死了?
  I'm not dead, and I promise you, I'll outlive him as I outlived his father. 我可没死,而且我跟你保证,我绝对要活得比他长,就像我活得比他老爸还久一样。
  Your family has always pissed on me, don't deny it, don't lie, you know it's true. 你们家的人老是看我不顺眼,你别否认,也别想骗我,你很清楚我说的是实话。
  Years ago, I went to your father and suggested a match between his son and my daughter. Why not? 好些年前,我去找令尊,提议让他儿子和我女儿联姻。这有什么不好?
  I had a daughter in mind, sweet girl, only a few years older than Edmure, 我有个乖女儿是合适人选,只比艾德慕大几岁,
  but if your brother didn't warm to her, I had others he might have had, young ones, old ones, virgins, widows, whatever he wanted. 就算你老弟不喜欢她,我也还有其他女儿给他挑,要年轻的有年轻的,要老的有老的,要闺女要寡妇要什么样的都成,
  No, Lord Hoster would not hear of it. 可是呢,霍斯特大人说什么也不肯。
  Sweet words he gave me, excuses, but what I wanted was to get rid of a daughter. 他讲了一大堆甜言蜜语,通通都是借口,我真正想要的却是赶紧嫁掉一个女儿啊。”
  "And your sister, that one, she's full as bad. It was, oh, a year ago, no more,  “还有你老妹,同样一副坏德行,那是一年前的事啰,
  Jon Arryn was still the King's Hand, and I went to the city to see my sons ride in the tourney. 当时琼恩·艾林还是御前首相,我到城里去看我儿子参加比武竞技。
  Stevron and Jared are too old for the lists now, but Danwell and Hosteen rode, Perwyn as well, and a couple of my bastards tried the melee. 史提夫伦和杰瑞年纪都太大,没法下场比武,不过丹威尔和霍斯丁前去参加,派温也去了,我还有两个私生子参加团队比试。
  If I'd known how they'd shame me, I would never have troubled myself to make the journey. 早知道他们会丢我的脸,我也不必大费周章地跑去,
  Why did I need to ride all that way to see Hosteen knocked off his horse by that Tyrell whelp? I ask you.  我倒是问你,我干嘛千里迢迢跑去看霍斯丁被提利尔家那小崽子打下马来啊?