冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第920期:第四十三章 凯特琳(20)(在线收听

   and when Lord Arryn said the child was going to Dragonstone to foster with Stannis Baratheon, 艾林大人为了平息尴尬,便吐露那孩子已经决定送到龙石岛去给史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩收养,

  she stormed off without a word of regrets and all the Hand could give me was apologies. 一听此言,她立刻半声不吭地冲了出去,首相大人只好不停地向我道歉。
  What good are apologies? I ask you." 我倒是问你,道歉顶什么用哩?”
  Catelyn frowned, disquieted. 凯特琳有些不安地皱起眉头。
  "I had understood that Lysa's boy was to be fostered with Lord Tywin at Casterly Rock." “我记得莱沙的孩子是要送到凯岩城去给泰温大人收养的。”
  "No, it was Lord Stannis," Walder Frey said irritably. “不对,是史坦尼斯大人,”瓦德。佛雷很不耐烦地说,
  "Do you think I can't tell Lord Stannis from Lord Tywin? “你以为我连史坦尼斯大人和泰温大人都分不出来吗?
  They're both bungholes who think they're too noble to shit, but never mind about that, I know the difference. 他们两个都是自以为高贵不拉屎的粪坑,但即便这样,我还是知道谁是谁,
  Or do you think I'm so old I can't remember? 莫非你觉得我老了,就记不清啦?
  I'm ninety and I remember very well. 我今年才九十,记得清楚得很,
  I remember what to do with a woman too. 连怎么搞女人也没忘。
  That wife of mine will give me a son before this time next year, I'll wager. Or a daughter, that can't be helped. 我敢跟你打赌,我家那老婆不到明年这时候就会给我再添个儿子,或者女儿,那也没法子。
  Boy or girl, it will be red, wrinkled, and squalling, and like as not she'll want to name it Walder or Walda." 哎呀,管他儿子女儿,还不都是红彤彤地皱成一团,哭个没完没了?我看她八成又要给孩子取名瓦德或瓦妲啦。”
  Catelyn was not concerned with what Lady Frey might choose to name her child. 凯特琳对佛雷夫人如何帮孩子取名毫无兴趣。
  "Jon Arryn was going to foster his son with Lord Stannis, you are quite certain of that?" “琼恩·艾林有意让史坦尼斯大人收养他的儿子,此事您可确定?”
  "Yes, yes, yes," the old man said. "Only he died, so what does it matter?  “对,对,对,”老人说,“只是他死啦,这有什么差别?