冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第921期:第四十三章 凯特琳(21)(在线收听

   You say you want to cross the river?" "We do." 你说你们想过河?”“是的。”

  "Well, you can't!" Lord Walder announced crisply. "Not unless I allow it, and why should I? “唉,你们过不了!”瓦德侯爵干脆地宣布,“除非我答应,可我干嘛答应呢?
  The Tullys and the Starks have never been friends of mine." 徒利家和史塔克家对我向来不太友善。”
  He pushed himself back in his chair and crossed his arms, smirking, waiting for her answer. 他往后靠向椅背,双手抱胸,露出得意的笑容,等她答复。
  The rest was only haggling. 剩下的就只是讨价还价。
  A swollen red sun hung low against the western hills when the gates of the castle opened. 城堡大门打开时,一轮火红夕阳低垂在西方丘陵,
  The drawbridge creaked down, the portcullis winched up, and Lady Catelyn Stark rode forth to rejoin her son and his lords bannermen. 吊桥“嘎吱嘎吱”地降下来,闸门缓缓升起,凯特琳·史塔克夫人骑马回到儿子和北境诸侯身边。
  Behind her came Sir Jared Frey, Sir Hosteen Frey, Sir Danwell Frey, and Lord Walder's bastard son Ronel Rivers,  跟在她身后的是杰瑞·佛雷爵士、霍斯丁·佛雷爵士、丹威尔·佛雷爵士,以及瓦德侯爵的私生子朗诺尔·河文,
  leading a long column of pikemen, rank on rank of shuffling men in blue steel ringmail and silvery grey cloaks. 以及一大队长矛兵。他们身穿蓝色环甲,肩披银色披风,排成纵队,缓步走来。
  Robb galloped out to meet her, with Grey Wind racing beside his stallion. 罗柏快马加鞭地迎上前,灰风飞也似地跟在他身边。
  "It's done," she told him. "Lord Walder will grant you your crossing. “一切都办妥了,”她告诉他,“瓦德大人会让你过河,
  His swords are yours as well, less four hundred he means to keep back to hold the Twins. 他的军队也是你的,不过他会留下四百人防守孪河城。
  I suggest that you leave four hundred of your own, a mixed force of archers and swordsmen. 我建议你也留下相同数目的剑士和弓箭手,
  He can scarcely object to an offer to augment his garrison... but make certain you give the command to a man you can trust. 他绝对无法拒绝额外的协防兵力……但千万要找你信得过的人负责指挥。
  Lord Walder may need help keeping faith." 瓦德大人可能会需要提醒,才能守住承诺。”
  "As you say, Mother," Robb answered, gazing at the ranks of pikemen. “母亲,就照您说的办。”罗柏边说边盯着那一大队长矛兵,