向前一步:第58期 要成功 也要受欢迎(9)(在线收听) |
Owning one's success is key to achieving more success. 真正认同自己的成功,对于实现更大的成功至关重要。 Professional advancement depends upon people believing that an employee is contributing to good results. 职场成就取决于一个雇员是否有助于工作的积极进展。
Men can comfortably claim credit for what they do as long as they don't veer into arrogance. 只要不滑向狂妄自大,男性在工作上的成就很容易得到承认;
For women, taking credit comes at a real social and professional cost. 但对女性来说,“邀功”往往意味着将在社会与职场的形象上有所牺牲。
In fact, a woman who explains why she is qualified or mentions previous successes in a job interview can lower her chances of getting hired. 事实上,女性如果在面试中阐述自己为什么能胜任这份工作,或是提到以前工作中的成功,实际上反倒会降低她被雇用的可能性。
As if this double bind were not enough to navigate, 女性除了要应付这种两难境地,
gendered stereotypes can also lead to women having to do additional work without additional reward. 另外由于性别成见,有时还必须在没有额外报酬的情况下做额外的工作。
When a man helps a colleague, the recipient feels indebted to him and is highly likely to return the favor. 当一个男性帮助同事时,被帮助者会觉得亏欠于他,并且非常有可能给予回报。
But when a woman helps out, the feeling of indebtedness is weaker. 但如果是一个女性对他施以援手,这种受人恩惠的感觉则相对弱些。
She's communal, right? She wants to help others. 女性就应该乐于助人,不是吗?是她自己想要帮助别人。
Professor Flynn calls this the "gender discount" problem, 弗林教授称此为“性别轻视”,
and it means that women are paying a professional penalty for their presumed desire to be communal. 意思是人们预设女性有为公共利益服务的意愿,一旦违背这样的预设,女性就会在职场上尝到苦果。
On the other hand, when a man helps a coworker, it's considered an imposition 另一方面,一个男性对工作伙伴施以援手则被看作是在做额外的工作,
and he is compensated with more favorable performance evaluations and rewards like salary increases and bonuses. 他会因此得到更好的评价、加薪和奖金等回报。
Even more frustrating, when a woman declines to help a colleague, she often receives less favorable reviews and fewer rewards. 令人更沮丧的是,当一个女性拒绝帮助同事时,她通常会得到不太有利的评价,回报也更少。
But a man who declines to help? He pays no penalty. 但如果拒绝帮助同事的是个男性呢?他通常不会受到什么惩罚。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/xqyb/428004.html |