向前一步:第60期 要成功 也要受欢迎(11)(在线收听

   Both male and female colleagues often resist working with a woman who has negotiated for a higher salary 不管是男性还是女性都会拒绝和一个讨价还价、争取更高薪水的女性共事,

  because she's seen as more demanding than a woman who refrained from negotiating. 因为她看起来比那些不爱谈判的女性更为苛刻。
  Even when a woman negotiates successfully for herself, she can pay a longer-term cost in goodwill and future advancement. 甚至当一个女性为自己的成功谈判时,她在信誉和未来晋升方面付出的将是长期成本。
  Regrettably, all women are Heidi. Try as we might, we just can't be Howard. 遗憾的是,我们都是“海蒂”,不管多么努力,我们都无法成为“霍华德”。
  When I was negotiating with Facebook's founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg for my compensation, 当年我与脸谱网创始人、首席执行官马克·扎克伯格商谈我的报酬时,
  he made me an offer that I thought was fair. 他提出了让我觉得很公平的条件。
  We had been having dinner several nights a week for more than a month and a half, 有超过一个半月的时间,我们每周都会在一起吃晚餐,
  discussing Facebook's mission and his vision for the future. 讨论公司的使命以及未来的愿景。
  I was ready to accept the job. No, I was dying to accept the job. 如此看来,我已经准备接受这份工作了,不,应该说我非常渴望接受这份工作。
  My husband, Dave, kept telling me to negotiate, 丈夫戴夫一直鼓励我要继续谈条件,
  but I was afraid of doing anything that might botch the deal. 但我害怕弄巧成拙。
  I could play hardball, but then maybe Mark would not want to work with me. 我可以表现得很强硬,但如果那样做,也许扎克伯格就不想与我一起工作了。
  Was it worth it when I knew that ultimately I was going to accept the offer? I concluded it was not. 既然我知道自己最终会接受这份工作,那么一再为自己争取利益是否值得呢?我得出的结论是,不值得。
  But right before I was about to say yes, my exasperated brother-in-law, Marc Bodnick, blurted out, 正当我准备点头时,我的妹夫马克·博德尼克恼火地说:
  "Damn it, Sheryl! Why are you going to make less than any man would make to do the same job?" “谢丽尔,同样的工作,你为什么要比男人挣得少呢?”
  My brother-in-law didn't know the details of my deal. 博德尼克并不清楚谈判的细节,
  His point was simply that no man at my level would consider taking the first offer. This was motivating. 他只是想强调,和我水平相当的男人才不会像我一样接受那样的薪酬待遇。这大大地鼓励了我。