老外最常用的英文短语 第740期:have half a mind to(在线收听

   have half a mind to 考虑到底要不要做某事

  I have half a mind to throw this martini right in your face! 我正在考虑要不要把这杯酒倒在你脸上。
  I have half a mind to get out of here right now. 我正在考虑要不要马上离开。
  I've got half a mind to contract the company. 我正在考虑到底要不要和这家公司续签合同。
  Barry just started a fight with Cara. 巴利刚刚和卡拉大吵了一架。
  I have half a mind to tell him to leave. 我正在考虑要不要让他出去待一会儿。