冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第927期:第四十四章 琼恩(4)(在线收听

   We have white shadows in the woods and unquiet dead stalking our halls, and a boy sits the Iron Throne, he said in disgust. “我们这儿森林里有白色鬼影,城里面有不安分的死人行走,结果坐在铁王座上的竟是个小毛头!”他语带嫌恶地说。

  The raven laughed shrilly. "Boy, boy, boy, boy." 乌鸦尖声怪笑:“小毛头!小毛头!小毛头!小毛头!”
  Sir Barristan had been the Old Bear's best hope, Jon remembered; 琼恩记得熊老对巴利斯坦爵士寄予厚望,
  if he had fallen, what chance was there that Mormont's letter would be heeded? 如果连他都失势,那莫尔蒙的信还有什么机会上达国王呢?
  He curled his hand into a fist. Pain shot through his burned fingers. 他不禁紧握手指,剧痛却立即从伤口炸裂开来。
  "What of my sisters?" “那我妹妹呢?”
  The message made no mention of Lord Eddard or the girls. “信上既没提到艾德大人,也没说他女儿的事。”
  He gave an irritated shrug. 他有些恼火地耸耸肩。
  "Perhaps they never got my letter. “说不定他们根本就没收到我的信。
  Aemon sent two copies, with his best birds, but who can say? 虽然伊蒙师傅送了两份抄本,也派他最好的鸟儿带去了,可这种事谁说得准呢?
  More like, Pycelle did not deign to reply. 我看八成是派席尔懒得回信。
  It would not be the first time, nor the last. 这也不是第一次了,当然更不会是最后一次。
  I fear we count for less than nothing in King's Landing. 恐怕对君临那些人而言,我们什么也不是。
  They tell us what they want us to know, and that's little enough." 他们只肯告诉我们他们想让我们知道的事,而这些事少得可怜!”
  And you tell me what you want me to know, and that's less, Jon thought resentfully. 你也只告诉我你想让我知道的事,这些事还更少呢,琼恩忿忿不平地想。
  His brother Robb had called the banners and ridden south to war, yet no word of that had been breathed to him... 罗柏已经号召封臣,率军南进,却没有人告诉他……
  save by Samwell Tarly, who'd read the letter to Maester Aemon and whispered its contents to Jon that night in secret, all the time saying how he shouldn't. 后来还是念信给伊蒙学士听的山姆威尔·塔利当天夜里偷偷跑来找他,一边轻声细语,一边忏悔自己不该这么做。