冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第930期:第四十四章 琼恩(7)(在线收听

   He is giving me his son's sword. 他将传给儿子的剑给了我,

  Jon could scarcely believe it. 琼恩简直不敢相信。
  The blade was exquisitely balanced. 剑刃极度平衡,
  The edges glimmered faintly as they kissed the light. "Your son..." 锋芒一遇光线,立即熠熠发光。“您的儿子——”
  My son brought dishonor to House Mormont, but at least he had the grace to leave the sword behind when he fled. “我儿让莫尔蒙家族蒙上耻辱,但他逃亡之前,倒还懂得留下这把剑。
  My sister returned it to my keeping, but the very sight of it reminded me of Jorah's shame, so  我妹妹把剑送还给我,然而每当见到它,就让我想起乔拉的事,所以
  I put it aside and thought no more of it until we found it in the ashes of my bedchamber. 我把剑收起来,日子一久也就忘了,直到这回在我卧室的灰烬里找到它。
  The original pommel was a bear's head, silver, yet so worn its features were all but indistinguishable. 原本剑柄尾端是个银制熊头,不过因为经年累月的磨损,早已辨认不出。
  For you, I thought a white wolf more apt. 你用的话,我想白狼比较适合。
  One of our builders is a fair stonecarver. 正好我们工匠里面有个不错的雕刻师傅。”
  When Jon had been Bran's age, he had dreamed of doing great deeds, as boys always did. 当琼恩还在布兰那个年纪的时候,也像所有的男孩子一样,梦想着将来干出一番大事业。
  The details of his feats changed with every dreaming, but quite often he imagined saving his father's life. 虽然每次白日梦的细节都不同,但他总想像自己救了父亲一命,
  Afterward Lord Eddard would declare that Jon had proved himself a true Stark, and place Ice in his hand. 事后艾德公爵宣布琼恩已经证明了自己是真正的史塔克传人,并将“寒冰”交到他手中。
  Even then he had known it was only a child's folly; no bastard could ever hope to wield a father's sword. 即便在当时,他也知道这不过是小孩子的玩笑,私生子是绝不可能继承家传宝剑的。
  Even the memory shamed him. 如今想起这些,他却觉得羞耻。
  What kind of man stole his own brother's birthright? 夺走自己兄弟的继承权,这算什么?
  I have no right to this, he thought, no more than to Ice. 我没资格接受这把剑,他心想,一如我没资格继承“寒冰”。
  He twitched his burned fingers, feeling a throb of pain deep under the skin. 他动动灼伤的手指,感觉到皮肤底下深层的痛楚。
  "My lord, you honor me, but..." “大人,您让我受宠若惊,可是——”