冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第932期:第四十四章 琼恩(9)(在线收听

   Yet in his nightmare he faced it again... and this time the burning corpse wore Lord Eddard's features. 然而在他的噩梦里,它又再度到来……这次冒火的尸体头上生着艾德公爵的容貌。

  It was his father's skin that burst and blackened, his father's eyes that ran liquid down his cheeks like jellied tears. 焦黑爆突的是父亲的皮肤,如结冻眼泪般流下脸颊的是父亲的眼睛。
  Jon did not understand why that should be or what it might mean, but it frightened him more than he could say. 琼恩不明白为何会做这种梦,也不了解这代表的意义,他只是吓坏了。
  A sword's small payment for a life, Mormont concluded. “一剑换一命,够便宜了。”莫尔蒙总结。
  "Take it, I'll hear no more of it, is that understood?" “快拿去,别再跟我啰唆,听懂了没?”
  Yes, my lord. The soft leather gave beneath Jon's fingers, as if the sword were molding itself to his grip already. “是,大人。”琼恩的手指抚摩着柔软的皮革,这把剑似乎迫不及待地渴望他的掌握。
  He knew he should be honored, and he was, and yet...  他明白,这是莫大的荣耀,他也的确非常感激,可是……
  He is not my father. The thought leapt unbidden to Jon's mind. 他不是我父亲,这个念头毫无预警地跃上琼恩心头。
  Lord Eddard Stark is my father. 艾德·史塔克公爵才是我父亲。
  I will not forget him, no matter how many swords they give me. 我永远不会忘记他,无论别人给我多少把剑,我都不会变。
  Yet he could scarcely tell Lord Mormont that it was another man's sword he dreamt of...  但他怎么能对莫尔蒙司令说他梦想的是另一个人的剑呢……
  I want no courtesies either, Mormont said, "so thank me no thanks. “我也不想听什么客套话,”莫尔蒙道,“所以把道谢都省了罢。
  Honor the steel with deeds, not words." 用实际行动证明你珍惜它,比说多少废话都管用。”
  Jon nodded. "Does it have a name, my lord?" 琼恩点点头。“大人,这把剑可有名讳?”
  It did, once. Longclaw, it was called. “以前是有的。名叫‘长爪’。”
  Claw, the raven cried. "Claw." “长爪!”乌鸦大叫,“长爪!”
  Longclaw is an apt name. Jon tried a practice cut.  “长爪,好名字,”琼恩试着挥砍了一下。