冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第933期:第四十四章 琼恩(10)(在线收听

   He was clumsy and uncomfortable with his left hand, 虽然左手持剑,难看又笨拙,

  yet even so the steel seemed to flow through the air, as if it had a will of its own. 但宝剑仿佛凭着自己的意志划破空气。
  "Wolves have claws, as much as bears." “狼和熊都有爪子。”
  The Old Bear seemed pleased by that. 熊老听了似乎很高兴。
  "I suppose they do. “我也这么想。
  You'll want to wear that over the shoulder, I imagine. 我看你得把剑背在背后。
  It's too long for the hip, at least until you've put on a few inches. 这剑太长,没法佩在腰际,至少在你再长高个几寸之前是这样。
  And you'll need to work at your two-handed strikes as well. 还有,你好好练习一下双手攻击。
  Sir Endrew can show you some moves, when your burns have healed." 等你的手伤痊愈,可以找安德鲁爵士教你几招。”
  Sir Endrew? Jon did not know the name. “安德鲁爵士?”琼恩不记得这个名字。
  Sir Endrew Tarth, a good man. “安德鲁·塔斯爵士。
  He's on his way from the Shadow Tower to assume the duties of master-at-arms. 他正从影子塔赶来,他是我们新任的教头。
  Sir Alliser Thorne left yestermorn for Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. 艾里沙·索恩爵士昨天早上到东海望去了。”
  Jon lowered the sword. "Why?" he said, stupidly. 琼恩放下剑。“为什么?”他傻傻地问。
  Mormont snorted. "Because I sent him, why do you think? 莫尔蒙哼了一声。“你以为呢?当然是我派他去的。
  He's bringing the hand your Ghost tore off the end of Jafer Flowers's wrist. 他身上带着杰佛·佛花被你那白灵咬断的手。
  I have commanded him to take ship to King's Landing and lay it before this boy king. 我命令他搭船去君临,将手呈报给那小鬼头国王看看,
  That should get young Joffrey's attention, I'd think... and Sir Alliser's a knight, highborn, anointed, 这总该吸引乔佛里的注意吧……何况艾里沙爵士出身既好,又是正式册封的骑士,
  with old friends at court, altogether harder to ignore than a glorified crow." 朝廷里也有旧识,应该不至于像其他穿黑衣的‘乌鸦’弟兄般受到冷落。”
  Crow. Jon thought the raven sounded faintly indignant. “乌鸦!”琼恩觉得乌鸦的口气有些愤慨。