冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第935期:第四十四章 琼恩(12)(在线收听

   The guards smiled at him from their niches as he wound his way down the turret stair, carrying the sword in his good hand. 他佩着宝剑走下高塔楼梯,站在壁龛里的守卫微笑着看他。

  "Sweet steel," one man said. “真是把好剑。”其中一人说。
  "You earned that, Snow," another told him. “雪诺,干得漂亮,”另一个人告诉他。
  Jon made himself smile back at them, but his heart was not in it. 琼恩逼自己也对他们微笑,然而他心底却没有笑意。
  He knew he should be pleased, yet he did not feel it. 他知道自己应该高兴,却怎么也高兴不起来。
  His hand ached, and the taste of anger was in his mouth, though he could not have said who he was angry with or why. 他的手隐隐作痛,口中有愤怒的味道,可他说不出自己究竟是对谁生气,或是为何生气。
  A half dozen of his friends were lurking outside when he left the King's Tower, where Lord Commander Mormont now made his residence. 如今莫尔蒙总司令改住国王塔,琼恩出塔时,发现五六个朋友正鬼鬼祟祟地等在外面。
  They'd hung a target on the granary doors, so they could seem to be honing their skills as archers, but he knew lurkers when he saw them. 他们在谷仓门上挂了个箭靶,装作练习箭法,但他一眼就知道他们别有企图。
  No sooner did he emerge than Pyp called out, "Well, come about, let's have a look." 他前脚刚落地,派普便叫道:“嘿,快过来让咱们瞧瞧吧!”
  At what? Jon said. “瞧什么?”琼恩说。
  Toad sidled close. "Your rosy butt cheeks, what else?" 陶德溜过来。“当然是你的红屁股啰,还有什么?”
  The sword, Grenn stated. "We want to see the sword." “那把剑啦,”葛兰说,“我们想瞧瞧那把剑。”
  Jon raked them with an accusing look. "You knew." 琼恩用充满责难的眼光扫视他们。“原来你们都知道。”
  Pyp grinned. "We're not all as dumb as Grenn." 派普嘻嘻笑道:“我们可不像葛兰那么笨。”
  You are so, insisted Grenn. "You're dumber." “你明明就笨,”葛兰坚持,“你比我还笨。”
  Halder gave an apologetic shrug. 霍德有些歉疚地耸耸肩。
  "I helped Pate carve the stone for the pommel," the builder said, "and your friend Sam bought the garnets in Mole's Town." “剑尾的圆球是我和派特一起雕的,”这位工匠说,“红榴石则是你朋友山姆从鼹鼠村带回来的。”