冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第938期:第四十四章 琼恩(15)(在线收听

   The direwolf's red eyes were darker than garnets and wiser than men. 冰原狼的红眼睛比红榴石还要沉暗,比人眼更睿智。

  Jon knelt, scratched his ear, and showed him the pommel of the sword. "Look. It's you." 琼恩蹲下来,搔搔它的耳朵,给它看剑尾的圆球。“看,是你呢。”
  Ghost sniffed at his carved stone likeness and tried a lick. 白灵闻闻石雕,伸出舌头舔了一下。
  Jon smiled. "You're the one deserves an honor," he told the wolf... 琼恩微笑着告诉小狼:“荣耀归你所有。”
  and suddenly he found himself remembering how he'd found him, that day in the late summer snow. 突然间,他回想起自己在晚夏的雪地里找到它的经过。
  They had been riding off with the other pups, 当时他们带着其他小狼正要回去,
  but Jon had heard a noise and turned back, and there he was, white fur almost invisible against the drifts. 可琼恩听见了别的声音,回头看去,只见雪地里的它一身白毛,几乎无从分辨。
  He was all alone, he thought, apart from the others in the litter. “它就孤身一个,”他心想,“离兄弟姐妹远远的。
  He was different, so they drove him out. 它与众不同,所以被它们赶走。”
  Jon? He looked up. “琼恩?”他抬起头。
  Samwell Tarly stood rocking nervously on his heels. His cheeks were red, 两颊通红的山姆威尔·塔利站在面前,局促不安地发抖,
  and he was wrapped in a heavy fur cloak that made him look ready for hibernation. 全身紧紧裹在厚重的毛皮斗篷里,仿佛即将进入冬眠。
  Sam. Jon stood. "What is it? Do you want to see the sword?" “山姆,”琼恩起身。“怎么了?你也想看看那把剑么?”
  If the others had known, no doubt Sam did too. 既然大家都知道,山姆自然不例外。
  The fat boy shook his head.  胖男孩摇摇头。
  "I was heir to my father's blade once," he said mournfully. "Heartsbane. “我曾经是我父亲的宝剑传人,”他悲戚地说,“那把剑叫‘碎心’。
  Lord Randyll let me hold it a few times, but it always scared me. 蓝道大人让我拿过几回,可我每次都很害怕。
  It was Valyrian steel, beautiful but so sharp I was afraid I'd hurt one of my sisters.  剑是用瓦雷利亚钢铸成,美丽异常,也锋利异常,我怕会伤到妹妹们。